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Brian was skeptical on Nikita's idea, on how it could work. But in the end he figured what the hell, he figured she'd obviously know if it actually works being how she's a fellow girl.

"Let's do it. I just hope it works and doesn't push her further away because I was just chasing after her, as you call it." He smiled as he nodded, he surely do hoped her idea works and doesn't backfire in his face. 

She giggled, then got serious, "Oh come on, it's been a couple of weeks since you've been home and trying to get back with her. If she gets mad, then she should be mad at herself for not giving into you more than she should anyone else."

Nikita had never met Michelle but still couldn't understand what her problem was and why she didn't want Brian anymore. He was an amazing guy so surely it wasn't something he had done, maybe she was just tired of being a Rockstar's girl but she should be honored over being that as he could have almost any girl he wants but he wants her so she should be honored.

"Yeah but your girls minds work in mysterious ways." Brian shrugged his shoulders which brought her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah yeah." She giggled with a shrug, "But you guys love us regardless."

"Can't deny it, we do." He nodded and finished off his beer.

And it was the truth no matter what, it's like these girls have a hold on some guys, no matter what they say and do, they always want to go back to them.

"Want another one?"

"Sure, but you sit, I can get it."

Although, he knew with him driving he probably shouldn't have another one but at the same time he wasn't a light weight. He have drank heavier stuff and felt just fine.

"No, that's okay. I was going to get up and get me another one anyways. Plus you're a guest in my house so it's only right that I get us another one." She says as she stands up and takes the bottle from him. "I'll be right back."

Since he didn't feel like sitting there in the living area by himself, he got up and went into the kitchen with her.

"You know this place is small." He points out as she pulls out a couple of beers from the fridge.

He didn't expect it to be big but at the same time to him this placed seemed smaller than most places. The size of it was more like a small apartment than a normal guest house.

"It is." She nods, "But it works because it's just me and Paco so no need to have a bunch of extra room. Sorry, I didn't really give you the grand tour." She then holds out one of the beers towards him.

"It's okay." He shrugged it off as he took the beer from her and took a drink.

He was content if she really didn't want to give him one but she had no problem showing him around her place.

"Well this is the kitchen as you can tell. Out here." She then showed him the back room, "Is the back porch, which also can be the laundry room, but I just take my clothes to the main house. In here." She leads him to one of the rooms, "Is basically Paco's room."

"He has his own room?" That caused him to chuckle as he raised his eyebrows, he has never saw an animal have their own room before.

"He does." She giggled, "He's a spoiled bird."

"That's obvious and nothing wrong with that." He smirked because he has spoiled his dog Pinkly too. He goes as far as giving her the best treats, food and toys but that's nothing compared to what she gives Paco.

"Better not be." She smirks and lead him towards the bathroom, "It's got a joint bathroom between the rooms, and then through here is my room."

"Ah so that's where the double French doors I was seeing leads to." He glanced towards them then looked around the room.

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