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"Hey, what's wrong?" Meghan asked when Nikita walked in and instantly could tell that she was irritated.

She only went in there because she knew Meghan was in there and wanted to hang out with her rather than hang by herself.

"Matt's an asshole, that's what's wrong." She groaned as she walked towards the couch.

"Uh oh what'd he do?" She giggled, she had been in the crossfire of Matt's jokes before so she knew how Nikita felt.

She plopped down on the couch next to her and crossed her arms before answering.

"He decided to tell me that my dad was mad at me when he wasn't. So I could have blurted out something I'm keeping from him, my dad I mean. But thankfully I didn't and came up with another excuse as to why I'd think he'd be mad at me."

"Would it have anything to do with you and Brian?" Meghan smirked because she remembered her and Zack's conversationthe other night.

"Why would it..." She then sighed she also remembered overhearing her talking to Zack, "You know don't you?"

"I do." Meghan bit her lip with a smile as she nodded.

"Why'd I ask that, of course you know, and Zack knows because I happened to hear you two talking about me when I was going back to my bunk the other night. Which brings me to ask because I've been meaning to ask about that. Why do you guys care that me and Brian are hooking up? Because that's all that it is, hooking up with no strings attached." She took a deep breath and let it out, "Is it because Brian has been talking to Michelle again?"

"Well no, not really. Look, me personally I don't care." Meghan shrugged, "And Zachary shouldn't either, I mean hell we both have no room to talk, we started hooking up behind when he was still technically still married to Gena. So I think it's because of the fact that Brian was told not to get involved with you and so Zack is afraid that if your dad finds out he'll get so mad and have the band kicked off the tour." Which she wasn't even sure how he even got that idea in his head because they haven't heard anyone say anything like that.

"Yeah well he don't have to worry. For one, if everyone keeps their mouths shut it won't get back to my dad. But even then, the band won't get kicked off this tour, I mean hell there's only a few shows left anyways but another reason is, I wouldn't even let that happen. Trust me, my dad loves me that if it even comes to that, the kicking the band off, all I have to do is sweet talk him and he'd give into me." She winked at her.

But deep down she knew she couldn't sway her dad to not talk to the managers about having them removed from the tour if it actually came down to it. She only said that to ease Meghan's mind and then hopefully she'd tell Zack and ease his too.

"Wow." She giggled, "So, back to why you are mad at Matt, why did he feel the need to say that James was mad at you anyways?" She was curious on what Matt did to her. 

"Oh that, uhm well earlier, I kinda went down on Brian in one of the venue bathrooms. And apparently Matt was walking by and heard Brian groaning from the uh pleasure. And so when he finally knocked on the door because Brian was needed for soundcheck, he decided to be an ass and say that my father had also heard the noises." Nikita sighed, Meghan had became one of her best friends and so she didn't mind talking about that stuff to her. 

"Okay? So how would anyone even know it was you and Brian in there just by the noises? It could have been anyone in there."

"Oh come on, think about it Meghan, you've went down on Zacky, have you not?" She smirked.

"Yeah." Meghan giggled with a nod.

"Okay and while doing that has Zacky ever you know, moaned out your name during it?"

Meghan bit her lips together as she smiled some and nodded.

"My point exactly." She giggled, "Brian moaned my name too, and so apparently Matt heard that and that's what he was meaning that my dad heard that too, when he didn't."

"So you going to get him back right? I mean payback's a bitch."

"Whose a bitch?" Zacky asked as the guys walked into the room.

"Payback." Meghan smirked and then gave Matt an evil look, but it was more a playful one.

"Meghan." Nikita giggled as she playfully smacked her arm for her glaring at Matt. She then stood up, "Anyways, I'll see you guys later."

She didn't want to be in here with the guys, mainly Matt. And Zacky seemed to have a problem with her because she has seen him shooting her some glares so she headed for the door and opened it.

"Nikita, hold up." Matt said as he followed her out, he wanted to apologize for what he did, and let her pretty much know why he said what he said.

"What do you want Matthew?" She asked as she crossed her arms.

"Look, I'm sorry about what I did. I didn't say what I said because I hate you. I do like you, you're a cool chic. I actually was only joking around."

"But why would you do that though? I mean you could have stopped me before I walked away knowing I was going to my dad."

"Cause I wasn't really thinking clearly. Plus Brian laid into me about it too. Anyways yeah at first I was mad you two were hooking up, only because Michelle is my sister in law, and I thought for sure her and Brian were getting back together, or already back together but yet he was going behind her back and being with you. Anyways, he set me straight about the situation between her and him and then you and him. He said that you two have talked about that whole ordeal though."

"We have yeah, I mean sorta." She shrugged, "I mean he didn't tell me they were talking about getting back together. But either way, I'm not looking to jump into a relationship anyways, and Brian knows that. And also, like I said before, what goes on is no one's damn business. Hell like me and Meghan were just talking about, if it's because Brian was told not to mess with me and you guys are afraid if certain people find out, that your guys band will get kicked off, you don't have to worry, it's not going to happen. I'll make damn sure it doesn't."

"And how would you prevent that?"

He knew there was no way she could prevent something like that as she's only a family member and has nothing to do with the band nor management.

"Because my dad loves me duh. And I can talk him into not kicking you guys off." She winked at him then decided to let him know how she knew it wouldn't happen, "But no, my dad always told me that when it comes to business stuff, to never let personal feelings get in the way of business decisions, so if it even came down to the band getting kicked off because I'm hooking up with one of the members, I'll throw that in his face." She shrugged her shoulders.

Although, she had doubt it would actually work, shed still try to talk him into not kicking the band off. 

"Wow, smart girl." Matt chuckled. "But you do realize these bands are part of our personal feelings. Like the music we make and everything."

"Well yeah with the music part is obvious but when it comes to what bands are or are not on a tour has to do with the business aspect too. They don't throw bands on a tour together just because of just personal feelings, they throw them on tour together after deciding which ones will generate more money from fans buying tickets to see said bands at the shows."

"Holy shit." Matt smirked, "Now that was amazing that you know all that." Of course he figured that since she had grown up around the music business, she's poetically heard things like that.

"See? I'm more than just beauty, I've got brains too you know." She joked as she winked.

"So you still mad at me? Or are we good?" He asked as he raised his eyebrows, he hoped she wasn't but would definitely understand if she were.

"No, I'm not mad at you anymore. But." She smiled as she dragged out the word 'but' "We're so not good, at least not until I pay you back anyways." She giggled.

"Even though you beat the shit out of me? That wasn't enough of a payback?" He chuckled as he held his hands out beside his body.

"Oh definitely not." She smirked with a headshake.

"Well then." He chuckled. "I guess I'll have to wait and see what you have up your sleeve." He winked then pulled her into a hug so she wrapped her arms around his waist to hit him back.

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