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After the very last show, everyone decided since it was pretty late, they'd just settle in a hotel for the night rather than head straight to their hometowns.

Once they were checked into the hotel and into their rooms, Nikita decided to go pay Brian a visit. She wasn't sure what was going to happen between them, like were they still going to do the hook up thing like they have been or were they going to pretty much go their separate ways.

It was something they had yet to discuss, and it's not like they were scared to talk about it, they just hadn't done it because every time they were alone, instead of either one of them bringing up the subject, they ended up having sex instead.

She walked to his room and started to knock but stopped when she heard him on the phone. She knew she shouldn't be ease dropping but she couldn't help it, especially since he was talking fairly loudly.

"Look, I'll be on my way home tomorrow, I'd love for us to meet up for coffee or something....because I still love you, I've never stopped why can't you see that....Come on Michelle, no it's not cause of what happened, at least not fully. Hell even then, Why do you think I stayed on the phone with you that day even though you said you called me by accident, part of you wanted to talk to me, I'm sure of it and you know deep down you are too....I just, I want to give us another try please?"

She took a deep breath, shook her head and walked away.

For most people, it would bug them that they were messing around with someone who was talking to their ex about getting together but for her, it didn't bug her. She just didn't want to get caught standing outside his door and listening to a private conversation so that's only why she walked away.

Instead of walking back to her room since she wasn't ready to go settle in for the night, she went downstairs.

She had planned on going to the hotel's bar but unfortunately it was closed for renovations. So after questioning the receptionist, who told her about a nice little bar down the street, she headed that way.

She had gotten a few drinks in though when some guy kept hitting on her despite her telling him she wasn't interested.

"Awe come on sweetheart, I'm in town for only one night on business. I'd love a taste of that mocha skin of yours." 

And of course he made the mistake of touching her, he ran his fingers down her cheek and as soon as he got to her neck and started to run them down her neck, she grabbed his wrist, and pulled it away from her as she twisted it.

"Motherfucker, don't fucking touch me. What part of I'm not interested don't you understand!" She roared out.

"Ow! Fuck, okay I'm sorry!" The guy cringed at the pain she was causing him.

"That's what I thought." She rolled her eyes as she let him go so he stormed off mumbling obscenities about her. 

She didn't care that he was though because she was tired of him trying to hit on her and then touching her like he did as he had no business to do that. It may have worked on other girls who had been drinking but it didn't work on her.

"Damn, that was sexy as hell, the way you took care of him. How about I buy you a drink as a reward." 

It instantly made her roll her eyes because someone was already trying to hit on her. 

"Listen here motherfu-" She turned around and stopped midsentence when she noticed it was Brian, "Oh my bad, didn't realize it was you." She giggled but she didn't know how she didn't recognize his voice.

"Nah go on don't stop cause it's me. What would you have said if it was someone else?" He chuckled then nods at the bartender as they sat his drink down in front of him.

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