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Since today was the last show of the tour and Nikita made the decision that instead of riding with the Avenged crew she was just going to ride the Metallica bus since she obviously came with them at the start of the tour. Plus it made more sense to do since A7X was going to Huntington and Metallica was going back to Los Angles and it's where she lived.

As she was putting her stuff in her bunk on the Metallica bus, James saw her and knew this would be a perfect time to talk to her alone about some things that he had been wondering. 

"So what's going on with you and Gates?" 

"What do you mean? There's nothing going on between us dad." She shrugged, "We're just friends, just like I'm just friends with the rest of the crew of Avenged Sevenfold."

He then chuckled as he laid his arm on her shoulders, "Now I know that's not true my darling. I know there is, at least that's what I've heard anyways."

She just looked at him with a confused facial expression, "What do you mean?"

She wasn't sure what exactly he had heard, but if he had heard what her and Brian had been doing then that meant the others hadn't kept their mouth shut after they found out. Which made her a little irritated about that fact but she didn't let it known. 

That caused him to chuckle again, "People talk sweetheart. Plus I've overheard Shadows and Vengeance talking about it."

"Really? Using their stage names?" She smirked with her eyebrows raised.

He knew their real names so she didn't know why he'd used their stage names, but the fact was, he just felt like using those names instead of their real ones just for the hell of it.

And the fact that her dad overheard them talking about it irritated her more, even though Brian was their friend and fellow bandmate, she didn't like the fact that the were talking about something that really wasn't none of their business.

"Meh, why not." He shrugged one shoulder, "Look sweetheart." He placed his hands on her shoulders and made her fully face him, "I was waiting for you to tell me first but you haven't brought the subject up so I am." He then cups both sides of her lower head, he wanted to ease her mind on whatever he thought she was thinking about, he could tell she was starting to get irritated by his statement, "I confronted them about what I heard, because of what they said and I assured them that just because I didn't want you to get involved with one of them but yet you are. I wasn't going to go as far as getting them kicked off this tour. For one, that's out of my power just because Metallica is headliners, and another that would be an asshole move, because they're amazing musicians and so that would probably piss off a lot of people." As he finished talking he had dropped his hands from her.

"Wait, how long ago was that conversation with them?" She raised an eyebrow, because she remembered them being scared about that fact, especially Zack, when he first found out about her and Brian.

"Oh let's just say about a week or so ago." He smirked.

"So when I came to you about being mad at me, did you know then?"

That caused him to look at her with a confused facial expression because no he didn't know at that point, in fact it was more a few days after that, that he had that conversation with Matt and Zack. So she pretty much just outed herself by saying what she just did on how long it had been going on.

"No I did not. So this, whatever this is, between you two has been going on for a while huh? That's truly why you wanted to ride on their bus huh?"

"What? No, I swear it's not dad. It was Meghan's idea I promise you." She told him with her fingers linked together, she didn't want him to get the wrong expression and she was telling the truth about that, "And honestly no one really knew we were even messing around because we were good about keeping it secretive, at least at first anyways."

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