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So as it turned out, it was Nikita's starter that was the problem and unfortunately it cost her nearly $200 for a good one. And Anthony told her he was only going to charge her $50 for the work. But while he was working on her car, she did some research and found out that if she were to take her car to a shop, that it would have cost her close to a thousand dollars for the work, so she was thankful that she didn't have to pay out that amount.

She had decided that since Anthony was being nice and taking time out of his da to fix her car when he didn't have to, she'd be nice and cook dinner and invite him to join her. She figured that's the least she could do besides giving him some money. 

"Man, I figured you'd pay me in money and send me on my way. I would have never guessed that you would pay me in food too." Anthony chuckled as they ate, but in a way he was thankful for an actual meal than having to worry about cooking for himself. Although he probably would have just stopped at a food joint to get him something to eat.

"Yeah well it's the Latino in me. We're big on hospitality, my Abuela would knock me upside the head if she knew I wasn't showing any gratitude when it came to someone helping out when they didn't have to." She giggled with a shrug.

"Well this shit is good." He grinned as he took another bite then spoke again when his mouth was clear, "I've heard Latino's can cook but damn I didn't think it would be this good. Brian definitely landed him a good woman." He then chuckled but him saying that made her blush. 

"Thank you." 

"So speaking of Brian, have you talked to him lately?"

"Yeah, of course, I talked to him earlier actually, not for long though. Why?"

"Oh no reason in particular." He shook his head, "It's just, well I talked to Michelle earlier, found out that her and Val they've ended up joining the guys on tour." Which irritated him, the fact his girl joined her sister on a tour, that contained her ex. 

"Okay?" She asked slowly, she wasn't sure what he was getting at.

So what, his best friends and fellow bandmate's wife and sister in law joined them on tour which she was sure River and Cash was more than likely with them. Then it dawned on her what he possibly meant by saying that, it's because Michelle is not just Matt's sister in law, but Brian's ex. And that kinda of irritated her about that fact. Why she felt the need to join Val and her sons on a tour, there was no need for Michelle to be there, she should be at home with her own boyfriend. But then she shook the feeling she got out, as she knew they wouldn't do anything together again now that they were both in relationships with other people.

"What are you getting at Anthony? Do you think something is going on between Michelle and Brian again? If that's the case I think you're wrong, being how Brian is in a relationship with me now and Michelle is in one with you." 

"I'm not exactly saying that." He shook his head, "But let's be honest, she told me how before her and me officially got together that she had joined them on tour. And that they ended up in bed together during that time, so who's to say it won't happen again." He shrugged his shoulders. "That he won't cheat on you again with her." 

"Cheat on me again? What the fuck? When the hell did he cheat on me?" She gave him a confused look, wondering if he honestly cheated on her and if so when? And why was she finding out through Michelle's boyfriend and no one else, Brian in particular.

"Wait, were you two not together during that time?" He could have swore that he heard that her and Brian had gotten together before that tour.

Now it made sense to Nikita why Anthony was saying that but he had his facts wrong so she took a deep breath.

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