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After they finished smoking, which all three of them had shared the joint since it was enough for them to even share, they stood around a little so that the smell wasn't lingering on them as much then they headed up to their rooms. 

"I'll see you guys in the morning." Jason stated once they got to their floor then walked off to his room.

"Will you stay with me?" She asked as her and Brian got to the door of her room.

She knew that nothing else would happen to her but she knew that she would sleep easier knowing someone was in the room with her. If he were to only want to be in there until she fell asleep, then want to go back to his own, she would have been perfectly fine with that.

"Of course I will." Brian nodded then kissed the side of her head, he could sense that she didn't want to be by herself after what happened and he didn't blame her, plus he didn't want to leave her alone even though he knew she would have been fine inside the room. 

Before going to the bar, she had stuck the keycard to her room along with her other cards, and they were still there because the asshole that attacked her didn't realize she had them on herself. She pulled out the keycard, opened the door then they walked inside.

"Make yourself comfortable, I'm going to use the restroom."

"Kay." He says as she walked into the bathroom.

As soon as she got in there, she looked in the mirror at her neck and sighed then washed what blood was left on the cut. She was thankful that it wasn't that bad of a cut as it could have been, it was more of a papercut than anything.

She stripped her pants off and decided she was just going to sleep in her shirt and panties then walked out of the bathroom and tossed the pants, along with her bra onto her bag that was sitting in a chair. 

"Hey." He says as he lifted the covers so she climbed in next to him.

"Hey." As soon she had laid down she had rolled to her side to face him, she needed to show her appreciation to him, "Thank you, I'm glad you was there with me. I don't know what would happen if you weren't."

She had a bad feeling that if Brian wasn't there, the guy would have done way worse than what he had done to her. She had tried not to think about all that but it still crossed her mind no matter how hard she had tried not to.

"No need to thank me." He didn't feel like he needed to be thanked for that. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to him, trying not to think about what could have happened to her if he wasn't there, "I'm just happy that you're okay." He kissed her forehead but left his lips resting there.

"Me too." She sighed with her eyes closed.

She wasn't tired and even though she had calmed down from what did happen, she couldn't seem to fall asleep. She ended up having to open her eyes since the what could have happened scenarios kept replaying in her head.

As she laid there, she had almost thought he had fallen asleep, that is until he had spoke up.

"How's your neck?" He questioned softly.

"It's okay. The cut is barely seen now that I cleaned the blood off it. Well what blood there was anyways."

"Let me see." He hooked his index finger under her chin and nudges on it so she slid her head back so that he could see the front of her neck. 

"Yeah, you're right. It just looks like a little paper cut actually." He then kissed it softly.

But when he did that, she couldn't help but smile a little since his lips felt good on her neck.

Couldn't Help Ourselves/(SynGates Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now