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It had been a couple weeks since the tour has been over with. And in that time, Nikita had decided to move back into the guest house that was on her dad's property.

After what her ex did to her, she had moved into the main house cause she felt way more safe that way, even after he died. 

But she liked it in the guest house, she felt like she had more privacy, not that she didn't in the main house because she did, most of the time anyways. Sometimes her dad had guests over but most of the times there was always hired help walking around.

"Someone at the door, someone at the door." Paco, her bird said once someone knocked on the door.

"I know Paco, thank you." She called out to him as she went and answered the door, "Hey, I see you found the place all right." She smiled as she stepped to the side and waved him in.

"I did." Brian smiled with a nod as he stepped inside the house, "This is a cute little place."

"Yeah, I love it. Even though it is on my dad's property." She giggled as she glanced around.

"Come Here you fucking Bitch!" Paco squawked out, which she forgot he said that every time someone came into the house.

"Paco!" She called out but she couldn't help to giggle at what he said cause she knew how he had learned it. 

"What the hell?" Brian laughed, "Who was that?" He was guessing it was a bird but wasn't exactly sure because Paco had said it so clearly that it does almost sound like a human talking.

"That would be Paco. Don't mind him he likes to say that every time someone shows up." It then dawned on her that she had never mentioned him to anyone during the tour, "Oh that's right, I never told you about him. He's my bird, I've had him since I was younger. Be right back I'll bring him in here to show you."

The only reason he was in his cage is because every time she has company over, Paco is bad about not leaving people alone because he likes being the center of attention. And there's been times when someone would walk in and he's out of his cage, that he scares people because he would fly up on them and make them think he's going to attack them.

"Oh okay." He chuckled as she walked into the other room.

While he was in the living room waiting, he took that moment to check out the décor of her place. He thought it was very amazing looking, and definitely wasn't girly looking but at the same time you could tell a female was living there. And there was definitely a lot of blacks and purples in the color scheme of the place. 

Nikita walked into the room that Paco's cage was in, then walked over to it.

"Now Paco, be nice. I want to meet you to meet my friend." She told him as she opened his cage.

"Paco be nice." He squawked as he bobbed his head.

When she stuck her arm into the cage, he instantly climbed onto then she made it where he could climb onto her shoulder before walking back into the living room.

"This would be Paco. He's a African Grey Parrot, and very talkative. Paco this is my friend Brian." She smiled as she ran her hand down Paco's body gently.

Brian turned around when he heard her voice and was amazed by the looks of the bird, he didn't think the bird would be that beautiful but he was oh so wrong. 

"Holy shit, he's amazing looking." Brian grinned widely as he walked closer to her, he made sure not to do it too fast as he wasn't sure how Paco would react.

"Isn't he though? He's close to like 20 years old but he's still my feathered baby. Aren't you Paco?" She then put her lips on Paco's neck and did some kissing sounds on him.

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