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As the girls sat around Brian and Nikita's place hanging out while the guys were off hanging out together away from the house, Lacey finally questioned what the rest of them were thinking. 

"Sooo, you going to tell us how you got that shiner on your face?" Lacey raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, that." Nikita blushed as she gently ran her fingers over it. 

She was able to take the bandage off and now there was only bruising that covered her temple and part of her eye.

She knew they'd ask about it especially when they kept staring at it. And Nikita initially tried to cover it up with foundation, but the only way for it not to be noticeable was if she caked her foundation on and she didn't want it that thick on her face so she gave up and just put a light layer on like she normally did. 

And even though she really didn't want to explain it happened without having to go into detail but at the same time, she didn't want to lie to them. 

"Uh oh, she's blushing." Val giggled as she bumped her shoulder against Nikita's, she knew right there it wasn't something bad if her friend was blushing. 

"Now you really have to tell us." Meghan giggled as that made them even more curious.

"But it's embarrassing you guys!" Nikita exclaimed as she covered her face.

And it was embarrassing to have a table break out from underneath them right after they were just making love. They were just grateful that it happened afterwards and not during because it could have turned out way worse than what it had.

"Awe come on Nikita, it can't be that embarrassing." Val smirked as she pulled Nikita's hands from her face.

"Oh but it is." She shook her head lightly.

The girls gave her more plea's for her to tell them, she finally gave in. 

"Okay fine!" Nikita took a deep breath and let it out as she spoke, "I'm not going to go into full detail, let's just say we got frisky with each other and ended up having some fun which we ended up on our uh on our dining room table. And well as he was leaning over and we were kissing, the table gave out." She lifted her hands and put her fingers together with her hands at an angle on how it landed "And unfortunately this statue." She picked up the statue, that was now on their coffee table, "Which was originally on the table slid down and smacked me." When she said that the girls laughed softly but of course she laughed softly with them because as she looked back on the day, she did think it was funny now.

Nikita decided to keep it to herself on what even led them to be intimate with each other especially since she wasn't sure how Brian would feel about her telling anyone that she made him go get tested. She was sure he'd be embarrassed about it or even mad with her for speaking about it and she didn't want him to feel that way. 

"Oh my God, are you serious" Val laughed as Nikita nodded, "I mean it sucks you got hurt though."

"I told you guys it was embarrassing!" She groaned throwing her head back slightly.

She just hoped that Brian wasn't going to get mad that she even told their friends about what happened in detail like she did.

"Awe come on, it's not that bad. That's fucking amazing and hot that you guys did it there." Meghan giggled with a shrug of her shoulders, before they had Ozzy, and even now when they have the house to themselves, they've had sex in other areas of the house.

"Poor Brian, how's his uh nether region?" Kelly, Brooks wife, smirked. "That had to hurt his manly bits."

"Oh no, I'm the only one that got hurt because we weren't even having sex anymore. We had just finished and was only kissing when it happened. But I mean honestly, if he did get hurt, he didn't let it show because his focus was on me."

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