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It has been a few months since Brian and Nikita have become a couple, and they're still going strong. And in that time, Michelle has confronted both her and Meghan and has apologized to both of them. That she was drunk and lost control.

At first Nikita wasn't going to accept her apology but she gave in and accepted it because she could tell just by Michelle's facial expression while apologizing that she truly felt bad for calling them the names she did.


Nikita landed an important meeting for today with a gentleman who owns a bar and he said he'd help her learn the ropes about what it took to be a business owner, especially a bar. She thought it was amazing that he would take time out of his day to help her.

When she started getting ready for the meeting, she didn't want to look too dressed up but at the same time she wanted to look as professional as possible. So instead of wearing a skirt or a dress, she chose a nice blouse and some slacks

"I still don't think you should go." Brian stated as he sat with her in the bathroom as she was putting her make-up on.

He's heard some bad things about this guy's so he didn't want her to go.

"Oh come one Brian, it's not going to be that bad. Have some faith in me, in this guy." She sighed as she put her eyeliner on.

She wasn't sure why he was so against her going cause she hadn't heard the things Brian had. She was starting to think he didn't trust her but it was this guy he didn't trust.

"But he's been known to do some shady ass shit, even your dad says that."

"You only think that because he's saying it. He can't be that bad if he's helping me, I mean hell he's taking time out of his day to give me tips on what it's like to become an owner when he didn't have to even bother."

"I understand that, but if you really want help, I'm sure I can talk to Johnny Nosich, the owner of Johnny's Saloon to help you. He's been in business for God, years and he's a great guy whose never had anything bad said about him."

"Okay, and that can still be arranged but I'm not cancelling this meeting Brian, not this late." She shook her head as she glanced at him through the mirror.

What the hell is his problem? If he thinks we're going to have this kind of relationship, one where he's controlling, he can think again. She already had that kind of relationship and she did not want to be in another one again.

"Well at least let me go with you." He suggested even though he knew deep down she would object and he was right because she did.

"Oh yeah how would that look? Me showing up to a business meeting with my boyfriend in tow." She smirked with an eyeroll as she turned towards him since she was done with her makeup, "What, do you not trust me or something?" She finally decided to ask that question because it's been bugging her since they started this conversation.

"Of course I do Nikita, it's him I don't fucking trust." He scoffed out as she walked out of the bathroom he followed her.

And he was telling the truth, he did trust her, it was this asshole he didn't trust.

"Then trust that I know what I'm doing. Okay? I'll be fine, have faith I will." She sighed as she grabbed her flats and put them on, "Please Brian."

"Fine." He sighed, but he still didn't have faith she's be okay, he only said that to make her feel better.

"Thank you." She smiled some.

She sensed that he really didn't have that she would be okay but she didn't push on about it because she needed to get going. 

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