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"Make me one too." Nikita heard from behind her as arms wrapped around her sides. 

After Matteo left, she had went into the kitchen to make her and the girls some more drinks which that was what she was still in the process of doing when he had came in. She didn't know he had came home cause she was so focused on the conversation she had with Matteo and making the drinks that she didn't hear the guys walk into the house.

But as soon as he had wrapped his arms around her, she had to instantly gag and plug her nose as she nudged him away. 

"Oh God Brian! You fucking rink! Why the hell do you smell so bad?" 

"It called man sweat baby." He smirked as he fanned his shirt back and forth away from his chest. 

Any other time she would have thought that move would have been really sexy, if it weren't for him smelling the stench radiating off his body.

"Well you fucking stink, go take a damn shower." She playfully pushed him further away with her free hand, "What the hell have you been doing anyways?" 

"We went and played a little bit of basketball after we were done with the meeting. Figured kill some time and let you ladies have some more girl time together." 

Which she already knew they were going to hang out longer after the meeting was over because Matt had messaged Val about it.

"Awe, how sweet." She smiled slightly then pointed to the stairs, "Now go take a shower or you wont get no sex for a week." 

That made him gasp as his eyes got wide for a split second then he let out a smirk, "You wouldn't do that to me because you'd suffer too." 

"Oh but I would." She smirked as she crossed her arms. "Oh you think I would? I mean how do you think I satisfied myself before I had you hm? Just like you guys do, us women have ways we can satisfy our needs without you men thank you very much." 

"Oh that hurts me." He put his hand over his heart, even though he knew she wouldn't be able to go with out his sex very long, just like he couldn't without hers.

"Yeah well your smell is hurting my nose so go Brian Elwin!" She laughed softly and grabbed the tray of drinks. 

"I'm going, I'm going, chill your ass woman." He chuckled and went up the stairs. 

She thought it was cool that just like some of the houses on shows and movies, their place also had two sets of stairs, one leading into the kitchen and one leading into the living room from the second story. 

Since Brian was home and the girls hadn't came to say bye, she knew the guys were in the living room. She didn't want to be rude and not bring the guys drinks so she set the tray back down, grabbed a few beers, opened them then set them on the tray and then carried the tray into the living room.

"How the hell did you guys ride back here with Brian in the car?" She asked as she set the tray down on the coffee table.

"With all the damn windows down." Zack grimaced a little knowing exactly what she was talking about. 

"Yeah no kidding." Matt smirked, "He's way more ripe than I get after working out with Jason." 

They couldn't believe that Brian sweated so bad that he stunk as much as he did, even on stage after sweating, he hadn't stunk as much as today.

"So that's quite the bruise you got there." Johnny smirked, not helping himself at mentioning it.

"Uh yeah." Nikita gently ran her fingers over it "You guys aren't questioning how it happened so I'm sure Brian told you guys what happened." She rolled her eyes even though she wasn't mad because it was no different than her telling the girls what happened.

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