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Since childhood, Sera was a shy girl who had trouble making friends. She found comfort in reading books, but few others shared her interest. Her body was bigger than the average girl, which made socializing even more difficult for her. She felt even more lonely after the death of her grandfather, the only person who understood her and taught her to love books.

One day, she met James, a boy with glasses who shared her love for reading. They bonded over their shared interests and spent hours talking about books. Sera felt a small spark of love for James, but she soon realized that he was spending less and less time with her. 

"James, where have you been? I haven't... seen you around lately," Sera asked one day, trying to hide the pain in her voice.

"Oh, I've just been hanging out with Nova. She's really cool," James replied with a shrug.

Sera felt a pang in her heart, but she tried to be understanding. "That's great, I'm happy for you," she said, forcing a smile.

However, as the days went by, James stopped talking to Sera completely, even when they ended up in the same magic academy class. Sera felt lost and alone, and she didn't understand what had gone wrong.

To ease her loneliness, Sera buried herself in books and spent her days in the library. But even that wasn't enough, and she still felt lonely. 

One night, she met a beautiful girl named Aurora with mesmerizing blue hair. And her light magic is cool too. Sera felt a connection with Aurora, and they promised to meet again.

However, as the days went by, Aurora did not reappear, and Sera became restless. She realized that she was still lonely and that Aurora might leave her just like James had in the past. Sera's heart ached at the thought of losing another friend, and she was left to wonder if she would ever find someone who would stay by her side.

"I thought I had finally found a friend," she whispered to herself, almost crying. Looking at the empty library shelves. "But maybe I'm meant to be alone forever."

But Sera was wrong. Aurora not only returned, she gifted her an incredible present--a rare copy of her favorite book. Every time she looked at the book, she couldn't help but smile. She adored that mesmerizing blue girl.

Not only that, true to her word, Aurora visited more often and they spent more time together. Sera was finally happy again.

As a second-year student, Sera struggled to see Aurora outside of the library. She would often try to catch a glimpse of her by walking past her classroom, but it made her feel like a stalker. How embarrassing.

She can't help feeling a tinge of regret, especially when she sees Aurora with the small girl named Ruby. If only she had enrolled in this academy a year earlier, she might have been in Ruby's position.

However, the more she saw them together, the more jealous she felt, and her hatred towards Ruby grew stronger with each passing moment.

Nononononono, bad girl. 

Getting jealous by herself, getting angry by herself, Sera was feeling a mix of jealousy and anger, and she couldn't understand why she was acting this way. She was never like this, even when James was stolen by Nova. It was as if she was in love with the blue girl.

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