Corrupt Princess.

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Princess Catherina stood in front of her giant mirror, admiring herself in her expensive medieval dress, complete with a plethora of shiny jewelry. She was breathtakingly beautiful, as always, and had everything she could ever want. This moment felt perfect, and she relished in the luxury of it all.

But things had not always been this way. In fact, her previous life had been incredibly difficult.

She was born into a poor family, and was always considered an ugly and unpopular girl. She was constantly reminded of how unlikely it was that she would ever succeed in life. As if that wasn't enough, her parents could only afford to send her to a crappy school, filled with delinquents and the worst of teenagers.

Her school days were a nightmare. She was bullied mercilessly, and she could never seem to fit in with the popular crowd. It didn't help that she was always dressed in hand-me-down clothes and could never afford the latest fashion trends. Even after she finished school and started working, things didn't get any easier for Catherina.

She could only get the lowest position, and she was disrespected by everyone around her. She had to work the hardest, for the least amount of pay. At the end of a long day, she would come home to her cheap apartment, exhausted and defeated.

But Catherina had one escape from the harsh realities of her life. On her second-hand old laptop, she loved to play a game called "The Phantom Huntress". In the game, she could fight against the unfairness of the world, taking on the rich and powerful and stealing their wealth. She would then distribute the stolen wealth to the poor and weak, giving them a fighting chance in a world that didn't seem to care about them.

But even that couldn't help her forever. One day, she ran out of money, and the landlord kept bugging her about the rent. Her boss was angry and lecturing her for hours for a mistake that she didn't even make. Everything was going wrong. Nothing was going her way. She was so angry at the world. The last thing she remembered was chugging a bottle of sleeping pills. She knew it wasn't a good idea, but she was so frustrated that she didn't care. She wanted to sleep and forget everything. And then she woke up in this world.

Did she reincarnate? Or transmigrate? She might have died from an overdose in her sleep. Who knows? But she didn't care. Her life was good now. She stared at her perfect figure, more beautiful than any actresses or models she had seen in her previous life.

Her happy mood was interrupted when Princess Catherina heard something from the corner of her room. There was a small creak from the windows, and she immediately glanced over there.

Weird, she thought. I don't remember opening it.

She walked over and checked, but there was no one there. Why was she on edge just from a simple sound? She laughed a little and then closed it.

Yes, forget about that, she thought to herself, trying to go back to what she was thinking before. Right, she reminisced about her past. 

The moment she found out that she had turned into the antagonist of her favorite game, "The Phantom Huntress," she immediately became worried.

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