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"Miss Ruby, stop it," Rita said when Ruby started peeking through the small opening in the door. "We agreed to give them some time alone, right?"

"I know, but I'm curious!" Ruby said, getting her eyes closer to the door opening.

Tania looked interested too, but Altea held her clothes. "Stop it," she warned her. Her twin sister Sania also held her clothes.

"Sorry," Tania said, disappointed.

"Miss Ruby!" Rita said, more desperately. "Please..."

"Okay, okay, geez!" Ruby said, finally giving up. "I can't see or hear anything anyway."

"Good," Rita said, relieved.

Then they waited. While waiting, each of them stole glances at the other group. Curious, and sometimes when their gaze met each other, they either looked away or glared in hostility.

"If your princess hurts Aurora, I won't forgive any of you," Ruby said.

"Miss, you don't really need to say that," Rita hurriedly whispered. "The goal was to become allies with them! Remember?"

"I'm just giving them a warning," Ruby said.

Altea said sharply, "Why don't you look in the mirror? You guys are the ones who are always one step away from using violence."

"What did you say?" Ruby said, angry.

"Miss, calm down," Rita tried to defuse the situation, but both girls were staring at each other, looking like they were going to attack each other at any time.

But then the door opened. 

"Sorry to make you guys wait," Aurora said. "We have already made a decision."

"That's right," Serena grinned, getting closer to Aurora. "Aurora and I are best friends now--"

"No, we're not," Aurora said, pushing her away. "We have decided to formalize our cooperation as allies--what exactly are you guys doing?"

Aurora finally noticed Ruby and Altea's standoff.

"It's...nothing," Ruby said, backing down.

"Yes, it's's nothing," Altea said. "Anyway, Princess, is that true?"

"Of course! We're best friends--"

"No, we're not," Aurora said.

"That's not it," Altea said. "Are you really forming an alliance with them?"

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