Chapter 206: Relationships Are Fickle

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A woman came forward to help Elder Park stand up while supporting his weight. She looked stunning and was dressed in a long, white body-hugging oriental skirt that had peach blossoms climbing up from the bottom, pairing it with pearls as her jewelry.

Rosè Yang kept her facade even in the presence of Kang Seulgi who was helping Elder Park as if she was the granddaughter-in-law. How amusing.

"That will be all, Seulgi." Park Hwan responded.

Rosè Yang found it strange that even though Kang Seulgi was seen as a suitable candidate, Park Hwan's tone towards her was the same as the one he used on her. Rosè Yang bowed her head to pay respects and walked off with her grandfather, sitting down with him at the grand circular table in the center meant for the honorable guests.

She poured her grandfather a cup of tea and quietly placed it in front of him. He took a sip out of the jade cup, not fazed by the expensive taste of the Da-Hong Pao tea.

"You did well, Rosè. Remember the plan," he murmured while setting the cup down. "Do not panic at the sight of Kang Seulgi."

"I know." She curtly responded, while pouring herself a cup. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Elder Kang chatting with Old Master Park whose face was not as welcoming as it was when he chatted with her grandfather.

A few people began walking to the table with the desire of becoming acquainted with Yang Marco.

A foreign man in his late fifties stepped forward and upon closer inspection, Rosè Yang saw he was of mixed blood. Accompanying him was a woman whose face had aged beautifully, like fine wine, a warm smile on her face.

"Mr. Yang, it has been a while." He spoke as the two men shook hands. "We have not seen each other since the charity auction that took place last year."

"Indeed." Yang Marco muttered, remembering the auction was approaching very soon. It would occur around the same time as Rosè Yang's birthday.

Rosè Yang recognized them. They were Ning Yijun and Lim Yuning, the former being the current head of Ning Trading Inc.

Lim Yuning, a kind woman in her early fifties turned to Rosè Yang, taken aback by such a beautiful and quiet woman. Sitting by herself while sipping tea and staring into the cup, she looked very picturesque. "And who might this young lady be?"

"Who does she look like?" Yang Marco chuckled, turning to Rosè Yang who was pretending to not eavesdrop on the conversation. "She's my granddaughter."

The Ning's, like most people in the room, were shocked to hear the way he addressed her. This old man, too stoic and uncaring, had never introduced his eldest son with the same affection.

"Your granddaughter?" Lim Yuning repeated, her attitude changing. "Why, of course, I should've known."

She stepped forward and asked, "What is your name?"

Rosè Yang offered a polite handshake, a smile gracing her face. "Rosè Yang, it's a pleasure to meet you, Madam Ning."

Lim Yuning amicably held onto Rose Yang's hand, patting it. "Please, the pleasure is all mine." She briefly glanced at her husband before adding on, "How old are you this year?"

"Twenty-three." Yang Marco answered, already knowing what this conniving woman was planning, but did not bother to stop her.

In order to be with Park Jimin, she would have to properly win the Park's over. Wouldn't it be nice if she married into a family that already loved her?

"Why, my son is twenty-five this year. He will be taking over his father's position very soon." Lim Yuning seized the chance to boost her son's image, "His name is William."

Rosè Yang's smile did not change as she politely nodded her head.

"I do pray that you're not seeing anyone right? Putting the opinion of a mother aside, I can vouch that he is very handsome." Lim Yuning had been out of the country for the past month and had not seen the most recent headlines reporting Park Jimin and Rosè Yang's relationship.

Rosè Yang blinked, her low EQ finally understood the woman's intentions. She let out a soft laugh, unknowingly charming many of the onlookers, especially the men.


"Actually, it's alright if you are. As long as you're not married, I'm sure my son will not mind."


"Are you free tomorrow afternoon?"

Rosè Yang was getting uncomfortable when Lim Yuning did not let go of her hand and instead, held onto it tighter.

"Your son is not good enough for my granddaughter." Yang Marco's blunt protectiveness startled everyone. The eldest son of the Ning's is not considered a good fit?! That man would be inheriting a multi-billion business with enough wealth to rival the Yang's whose power stretched beyond the seas.

Many people understood his reasoning. Park Jimin alone could take down the entire family, he was the waves in the ocean while the Ning's were mere ripples.

Lim Yuning was always protective of her eldest son, the one she personally raised. "My son—"

"Don't worry, sweetheart, it's a joke." Ning Yijun stepped forward to calm his angered and offended wife.

Everyone could see by Yang Marco 's face that it was not. Lim Yuning was even more insulted by this, her face becoming slightly red.

Rosè Yang worked quickly to diffuse the situation. "Madam Ning, I truly appreciate the opportunity to meet your son, but I am currently in a relationship with someone."

"That's fine dear, relationships are fickle. I will arrange for you to meet him tomorrow."

When Ning Yijun saw Yang Marco's dangerous expression shifting into irritation, he spoke up, "Sweetheart, let's not pressure the young woman. She has her reasons."

Lim Yuning softly frowned, disappointed.

An idea suddenly came to Rosè Yang's mind. Lalisa Park had always set her up on blind dates, it was time for payback...

"Actually, Madam Ning, how about I introduce someone to your son?"

"Oh? Who?" Lim Yuning was extremely pleased to hear this.

"Lalisa Park."

Lim Yuning let out a quiet gasp. A high madam such as herself would be a fool to not know who the young woman was. She was the apple of Park Minjun's eye, the prized daughter spoiled by everyone in her family. She was gentle by nature, a bit too bubbly, but that was part of her charm.

Even the tough critic, Elder Park Hwan, severely doted on her and rumor had it, he catered to all of her wishes, treating her with the utmost care and love in the world. Having her as a daughter-in-law, any family would cry tears of joy, for she had every Park member wrapped around her fingers.

Lim Yuning pulled out a white card with a hint of rose water splashed upon it, "This is my contact information. Please contact me as soon as you can."

Rosè Yang deviously laughed inside, knowing her Lisa was doomed. The poor girl would not know what struck her. As a matter of fact, Rosè Yang was petty enough to even invite Lisa to La Roche- the same place where Cha Eunwoo was introduced to her.

"Of course." She said, taking the card and placing it into her purse and ensuring it was safe.

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