Chapter 233: Dirty Things

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"I-I-I..." Yang Jongdae stammered. He was finding it excruciatingly hard to find the appropriate things to say with Park Jimin's haunting stare. It was as if a shadow had reached out to forcibly seize his throat, clamping down on it, crushing his flesh, for Yang Jongdae could not find the strength in him to say anything more.

"P-please do not be angry, President Park, there are a lot more benefits!" Yang Jongdae pleaded, his voice raising a level, capturing the eyes of the people at the table near them. He was embarrassed by his unruly behavior and lightly dropped his head a bit.

"How about this?" He wryly said, rubbing his hands together. "If there's any other relatives in the family, aside from her grandfather, that my niece does not have bad-blood with, it's me." He had heard rumors about how much of a damn prude Rose Yang was.

Yang Jongdae glanced over his shoulder and then whispered, "It's a little rumor that circulates in the family, especially after... Well, nevermind. My niece is quite the prude and because of that, she most likely rejects any sexual advances her way. If this is the case for you, I can invite her into my house, give her a small dose of...haha, I'm sure you know what it is. Then, I'll send her on her merry way to the presidential suite of Grand Wynsterin Hotel."

At his words, the temperature around them dropped to below freezing point. There were practically icicles forming on the ceiling and it felt like a snow storm was coming.

Yang Jongdae was so frightened, he felt his soul left his body, disappearing into the depths of hell. He visibly trembled, repeatedly swallowing hard, his teeth chattering against each other. He felt like he was staring at Yama himself, while wispy ghosts shrouded from Park Jimin. His breathing became shallow when his heart started beating furiously. The deadly chill that was previously in the air had developed into something that hell itself feared...

Park Jimin did not need to move or say anything to show his extreme disdain for the scum sitting in front of him. Just then, Kim Namjoon came running to him with a phone, but when he felt the throat-slitting atmosphere, he looked in the other direction, paused midway and cried to himself.

'Dear God! Why do I have to deliver this now?!' He sobbed his entire trudge back to his boss who was not out for a simple blood spill. He was in a conversation with his wife a few minutes ago and did not realize someone was contacting his boss's phone.

"B-b-boss..." Kim Namjoon's bottom lip quivered, his hands experiencing multiple tremors.

"P-pres... no, I mean R-R-Ro—" He could not even bring himself to properly speak or stand with the bloodcurdling air. He was so frightened, his knees were about to give out at any second.

He did not need to finish his sentence for Park Jimin to abruptly stand up, the chair screeching a bit.

Kim Namjoon let out a tiny yelp and jumped back two meters in fear that he would be brutally slaughtered on the spot.

Park Jimin snatched the phone from his secretary and boarded the elevator. When he saw the two missed calls, his pupils dilated while his horrible mood continued turning sour with each passing event. He'll have Kim Namjoon's head as a wall accessory and Yang Jongdae's as pig feed.

Yang Jongdae was rooted to the ground. He could feel his heart pumping at a distressing speed. He panted and tried to control his breathing to prevent the heart attack that was ready to kick in from how nervous he previously was. He felt like half a century was shaved from his lifespan and that he would just die on the spot.

Kim Namjoon felt the same way. With trembling hands, he wiped the sweat off his forehead. It took two minutes of complete and utter silence for Kim Namjoon to regain his composure. It was time to set the plan into motion.

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