Chapter 321: Dont Call Him That

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The next day, on the outskirts of Busan.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out?" An arctic voice began. Destructive eyes that could bring down a storm were directed into a piercing glare. Calloused hands, from all of his victorious battles, were holding a piece of crumpled paper.

Lying in a bloody mess on the floor was a man he once regarded as a comrade, a good friend, and maybe even a brother. One eye was swollen shut and bruised and the other could barely keep itself open from the blood dripping down his forehead.

"I told you, I was framed!" The man screamed, groaning in pain when it placed too much of a strain on his injured body. He was ambushed on his way back into the city.

Hwang Minhyun's lips were curled into a scowl, his eyes deadly. "I've known you for three years now. You think I wouldn't know when you're lying?" He bent his knee and with a gloved hand, grabbed his colleague by the collar. "F*cking bastard, you watched me desperately search for her when you were the damn reason she left." Without warning, he raised his hand and punched the man in the face.

"You...think you will get away with this?" Each breath of air caused his chest to heave and that, in return, brought him indescribable pain.

Hwang Minhyun tossed his head back and laughed. "You've been my friend for the longest time and have witnessed what I can do." His face snapped back to seriousness. "Your family's legacy ends with you." He picked up the piece of paper and shoved it to the man's face.

Forcibly removed from the squadron. He was forbidden entry into any of the bases and would be trialed by the military for his sexual misconduct.

"Utilizing my resources to wipe the camera recordings and using my underlings as your accomplices." Hwang Minhyun disapprovingly shook his head. "You should've covered your tracks better."

The man's face dropped. If his General does not kill him, his family and his father would have been using more cruel methods. It was better to die at the hands of an ex-friend than a father who valued reputation more than his own blood. "Just kill me already." He ground his teeth.

"You delivered me the f*cking flowers and watched my interaction with her then used it as leverage to frame me. You think I'm going to simply kill you? Don't make me laugh." Hwang Minhyun whistled. From the shadows came his men.

"Once I am done with you, you will be delivered straight to the courts for a harsher sentence. And once that is done, you will never be able to live a day free in prison. My men will take their sweet time ripping you apart."

Hwang Minhyun's eyes tilted to the ones already present. Before the man could beg and grovel for mercy, the General was gone and out of sight. He left behind a wake of horrifying screams that could awaken all of the beasts in the forest.

- - - - -

Hwang Minhyun mindlessly played with the broken hair-tie with two fingers, his eyes staring into the distance. Trees whirled by him, a world of evergreen. His driver glanced at him in the mirror but kept his mouth shut after seeing the thoughtful expression on the General's face.

"I changed my mind. Do not take me back to Seoul. Take me home." Hwang Minhyun carefully placed the hair-tie into a detailed wooden box that he hand made in his free time. He treated the broken rubber and fabric like it was the great heirloom of his family.

The driver nodded his head and turned the car around. He was perplexed by the drastic change of plans since they were brimming the outskirts of Seoul. Nonetheless, he kept quiet and began to head in the direction of Madam Hwang's house.

Hwang Minhyun's eyes were clear and sharp. He was thinking level headedly about his decision to finally get the Hwang family ring from her. His mother was the first candidate that Matriarch Hwang had in mind for marriage, so naturally, when the first child was a son, the family ring was passed down onto Madam Hwang without hesitation.

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