Chapter 208: Take His Woman

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Park Daniel continued to comfort his younger sister, all the while plotting the gruesome murder of the person who made her like this. He had ordered a set of Arabian daggers a few days ago and they had finally arrived this morning. He supposed it was time to test out how fine their craftsmanship is.

When Nam Heejin and Park Minjun came back to the table after mingling and chatting with many other families, they were confused by the change of atmosphere. Their youngest son was patting the back of their daughter instead of wooing women and their other son was sitting as still as a rock.

"What happened?" Park Minjun's voice was heavy, angered even, at the sight of his baby girl.

"Nothing, papa." Lalisa Park shook her head, her bottom lip slightly jutted out in a tiny pout with her brows pulled together.

"Were you crying?"

Lalisa Park hurriedly shook her head. "No, I wasn't. Don't fret."

"You seem like you were." Park Minjun stepped closer to his daughter to get a better look at her.

"I'm fine, really." Lalisa Park raised her head, straining her face for a smile.

Park Minjun looked heavily disappointed at her lie, his heart being weighed down by worry. He always felt uneasy whenever he saw his daughter this glum, his heart aching for her. "What happened? Daddy will fix it for you."

Nam Heejin sighed at the sidelines. The men in this family were all smitten by Lalisa Park , who was always doted on like a little princess, and it was something she did not know if she should laugh or cry over.

Lalisa Park opened her mouth when something caught her eye. There was a woman alone sitting not far from their table, her back turned towards them. She could only see the woman's slender neck and red collar from here, but that was enough for Lalisa Park to abruptly stand up, surprising her father and brother. Without warning, she picked up the hem of her long dress and dashed to the woman, her heart soaring the closer she got and the more familiar the woman looked.

"Rosie!" Lalisa Park squealed in delight, her voice capturing the attention of many people.

When Rosè Yang turned around, a body had already crashed into hers, hugging her very tightly.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Lalisa Park gushed, pulling away, her sorrows long forgotten.

Rosè Yang opened her mouth to speak, but paused when she noticed the dull light within Lalisa Park's usual bright eyes. "Did something happen?..." She trailed off then, understanding it was not the right time and place to ask. She decided after the celebration she needs a girls' night with Lalisa Park.

"You never asked." She shrugged.

Lalisa Park let out a sigh of relief when her Rosie did not press her on the way her family members did.

Rosè Yang reached her hand out to fix Lisa's sleeves that had ridden up in her frenzy to rush here. "Where were you? I didn't see you when I came in."

"Oh...Well...Uh, I—I was, you know..." She stammered, searching for excuses.

Rosè Yang saw this as a sign to change the topic, "I saw your favorite dessert."

Lalisa Park perked up again. "Really?! Where?"

Rosè Yang laughed, the melodic sound drawing men one step closer in her direction. "If I tell you, are you going to run off again?"

"Hmm..." Lalisa Park pretended to think, placing a finger on her chin.

Rosè Yang rolled her eyes. "I already know the answer is yes."

"Hehe, don't be jealous Rosè, I love you as much as I love my strawberry shortcakes!"

Rosè Yang's lips tilted into a smile that reached her eyes. The sight awed many men, who despite knowing she was Park Jimin's woman, could not help but be drawn to her charisma like a moth flying dangerously close to the flames of death.

"Who said I was jealous?"

Lalisa Park reached out to pinch her cheek, "Your face."

Rosè Yang shook her head, deeply amused, "Sure it did."

Right as she said that, a shadow loomed over her. She could already tell by the presence that accompanied him who was standing behind her.

Park Jimin rested one hand on Rosè Yang's shoulder while the other lifted her face to look up at him. When he saw who his younger sister was talking to different emotions washed over him, but the most prominent one was happiness. He was very pleased to see her here. Only when she was present would he revert to his normal self.

"You didn't tell me you would come, my dear." He did not like the fact that she was craning her neck just to see him. He wanted to pull her into his lap so that they were at least eye-leveled when speaking.

"Did you not want me to?"

"No." He answered in a heartbeat.

Rosè Yang smiled at the flash of panic in his eyes. "Sit down. My neck is getting tired from looking at you."

Park Jimin's eyes swept to the chair beside her where a name card was resting on a burgundy cloth. He flicked it away and sat down to her right.

Lalisa Park felt her cheeks puff out in anger that her brother would ruin her precious time with her Rosè. She also pulled a chair beside Rosè and sat down.

Rosè Yang eyed the siblings when she realized one of them had stolen her grandfather's seat.

"So, Rosie," Lalisa Park emphasized the nickname, "How has your life been? Anything interesting happened while I was gone?"


"Rosè, the banquet is serving rice cakes from Hedong, let's grab some." Park Jimin did not like the fact that her attention was this easily diverted from him. He hooked his finger under her chin, turning her gaze so that she could only look at him.

A thunder cloud cackled over Lalisa Park's head as she grabbed Rose Yang's hands, clasping over them. "Rosie, I know you like macarons more, let's go get some—"

"Don't touch her." Park Jimin hissed, tugging his woman to his side just as Lalisa Park wrapped her arms around Rosè.

"She's my best friend, I can touch her as I please."

"She's my woman, you have no right to touch her."

Lalisa Park gasped. "I have every right to!" She turned to her best friend, "Right, Rosie?" She looked at her with the same puppy eyes she always used when she wanted something.

Rosè Yang felt like a mother split between her husband and child.

"My brother is being very irrational and rude, don't you agree, Rosie? He's bullying me! I think we should get away from him."

A low growl came out at his sister's words and Park Jimin tugged Rosè closer, very displeased that someone would try to take his woman away.

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