Chapter 235: Disciplined

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Afterward, the two brothers left to deal with Lee Sung, leaving Rose Yang and the forgotten Jang Eujin in the room.

Rose Yang awkwardly scratched her head and turned to the doctor. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

Jang Eujin was on cloud nine, her eyes wide with admiration for Rose Yang. She had a frail and tiny body frame where a strong wind could knock her off her feet, but the air around her and the way she commanded the presence of one of the fiercest men in this country was overwhelmingly amazing.

"No...Not at all." She breathed out as she gained a profound new respect for the young woman. She walked to her, clasping her hands over Rose Yang, "I should've said this earlier, but my husband actually works for President Park as his private secretary. I'm sure you know of him by now, his name is Kim Namjoon."

Rose Yang was surprised by this sudden news. She did not expect such a charismatic and beautiful woman to be the wife of the grouchy Kim Namjoon.

"My husband has caused you a lot of problems and for that, I apologize. But do not worry, I thoroughly disciplined him for it." She waved her hand and eagerly said, "I think we would make a great team in tormenting our lovers. Don't you think so? They deserve to be knocked down a few notches sometimes."

She amicably laughed. Her husband needed to get off his high-horse and so did President Park who had the audacity to refuse Rose Yang's request.

Rose Yang smiled, "I believe you have yourself a comrade in battle." She said while offering a hand to Jang Eujin who easily took it and gave a firm handshake.

- - - - -

Before Jang Eujin left to answer another patient's call on the other side of the hospital, the two shared contacts and promised to stay in touch.

Rose Yang made her way to Lalisa Park who still hadn't woken up yet. She pulled a chair beside the sleeping woman and quietly sat down. She gingerly brushed strands of hair away from Lalisa Park's face.

"Oh, Lisa..." She whispered, "How much have you suffered in one night?" Her voice cracked towards the end when she envisioned the brutality that unfairly fell on her shoulders.

Rose Yang pulled the blanket higher so that it covered all the way to her chin as guilt swarmed her. She was the one who gave Lisa the advice to fight back. Seeing the result of it, Rose Yang could not help but feel a sense of responsibility for what had happened.

She did not know how long she was in this room for, patiently waiting for Lalisa Park to wake up. When the nurses came in to check every few hours, she would always ask about her condition, even though only a short span of time had passed.

Her heart would not settle until Lalisa Park was awake, so she waited, and waited, until the sunset in the east, making way for the moon. Even when the stars came out to play, lighting up the benevolent skies, she still stayed by the hospital bed.

Eventually, sleep and fatigue had taken a toll on her body and despite her fight to stay awake, Rose Yang's eyelids finally closed. Soon, she was slumped on the edge of the bed, one hand holding Lalisa Park's while the other was settled on the blanket.

At night, the only sounds that could be heard in the hospital were the beeping of the machines, the janitors cleaning up the hallways, and the tiny chatter of the nurses downstairs, a pair of authoritative footsteps could be heard approaching the hospital room.

Park Hwan strolled down the hallway with his people in tow. His most-trusted subordinate, Shim Jihoon accompanied him a few steps behind, like the rest of his people.

When he had received word of what happened to his precious granddaughter, he wanted to rush here as soon as possible, but he had a very busy day and could not come until late at night when all of his work was completed.

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