Chapter 293: Setting The Bar Too High

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"Silly little thing." He whispered, pulling her closer to press a soft kiss upon her hairs. "I do not care for trifling little things like that. It's the twenty-first century, I didn't expect you to be a virgin." He gently smiled, turning her around, entertained by the surprised expression on her face. Parted lips and widened eyes, she looked at him as if he had three heads.

"'re not mad?" She skeptically asked, wary of how eerily calm he was. She expected him to lash out, throw a tantrum, push her away, or look at her with disgust, but he did not.

He found her expression intriguing. Seeing her speechless expression and doubting eyes, he resisted the urge to pinch her cheek.

He admitted, "I was angry the first second I heard it." He pushed back her hair to reveal her face, using one hand to cup it. "But I've come to realize it's a selfish thing to expect and care about, especially when I'm also not one."

Rosè Yang felt a mountain lifting off of her shoulders. His face was filled with tranquil acceptance — something she long dreamed of but did not think would actually find in a man. He was such a possessive person, where a simple glance from another man ignited his anger. She thought he would push her away while glaring at her with hateful eyes filled with disgust. She was prepared for their relationship to end on the spot with a shattered heart that could never recover or open up again.

"Besides, it's such a foolish concept. It's the twenty-first century fueled by a new generation with updated beliefs and mindsets. The traditional idea of virginity is so stupid. What is the point of it?" He voiced his thoughts out loud, her stupefied expression further entertaining him. Her delectable lips were parted in disbelief.

"You're setting the bar too high for other men."

His face became dark, a shadow looming over his eyes. "What other men?" His voice held a dangerous edge at the image of her wrapped in another man's arms. If such a thing were to happen, there would be an armless man roaming Hell.

"The poor, single and lonely fishes in the sea that are still searching for their mates." She responded, not understanding where the sudden frosty chill came from. She shivered as if she was standing on the ice in the North Pole.

"There will be no more fishes in the sea if someone covets what's mine." He seethed, yanking her to him.

She stood on her tippy-toes and gave both sides of his face a pat. "Were you always this possessive or did it start because of me?" She tiredly sighed at this temperamental husband of hers. "I wasn't referring to the idea of cheating on you. You're such an overthinker." She chuckled, attempting to stretch the cheeks of the sullen child.

"It started because of you." He mumbled under his breath. For as long as he could remember, no one dared to take or touch what was his.

He never fathomed the idea of being so in love and infatuated with a woman to even fear her departure. So many things shifted and changed within him when Rosè Yang stepped back into his world.

Now it was his life's mission to ensure she did not disappear again. And it all starts with finding the root of why she forgot about him in the first place. But that was a story for another time, one that would revolve around painstaking, backstabbing and murder.

"Well, start ending it because I am not going anywhere." She innocently laughed, completely unaware of the massacre he was willing to commit just to keep her close to him.

Her eyes twinkled when she glanced up at him, squeezing his frosty heart. His fingers tightened around her hips. He wondered how it was possible that such a simple thing could shine brighter than the stars. Diamonds, crystals, gems, nothing in this world could compare to her eyes — the very things that used to haunt his nightmares for a short period of his childhood.

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