Chapter 228: Another Mans Leftovers

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Jeong Jaehyun's long legs stepped out of the car first, followed by his impeccable stature that made the female employees downstairs swoon. He was so charismatically handsome, they envied his fiancée. His short and slightly wavy hair was slightly parted to the side, and his eyes, sharp as a knife, were piercing through the heart of women. If they had not seen how incredibly suave their own boss was, they would think Jeong Jaehyun was the most handsome man on this earth.

A carpet was laid out for Jeong Jaehyun to walk on as the employees all began to line up to properly greet him — per the company's protocols. As they formed a path, they suddenly received a message from Kim Namjoon in their group chat.

[Ice King: Send the CEO back into his car. The meeting is canceled.]

All of the employees here were not afraid of offending him. They were personally ordered by the Ice King himself, which meant they were guaranteed protection by the company.

The representative of the ground floor employees spoke up, "Park Enterprise heavily apologizes for the sudden change of plans, Mr. Jeong, but the meeting has been canceled."

The corner of Jeong Jaehyun's lips dipped into a malicious scowl. Kimberly was incredibly shocked that her boss, the great Jeong Jaehyun, was denied entry like this. "What do you mean it's canceled? That's impossible, there must've been an error."

"Park Enterprise never makes mistakes. It's a confirmed cancelation. I'm afraid we have to ask you to leave the premises." The representative solemnly spoke up, his voice firm and confident of himself.

Kimberly pursed her lips together in displeasure. Jeong Jaehyun muttered something to her and she spoke up, "Our president would like to speak to CEO Park about this matter. To suddenly cancel on a meeting that was scheduled weeks in advance is unacceptable!" She switched the tablet to a different hand as she tried to call her half-brother.

"Our boss traveled for thirty minutes to arrive just to be turned back. Park Enterprise must not have manners." She sniped, angrily typing in Kim Namjoon's phone number. He did not answer her. He never did.

Jeong Jaehyun was already in a foul mood from the argument he had this morning. His little Tzuyu was spotted texting her "friend" again, the same one he explicitly banned her from seeing. She was too innocent to see that her childhood friend was deeply in love with her. But Jeong Jaehyun was a man and he saw the "friend's" affections as clear as day.

"Step aside. I don't have time for this." He snarled, taking a step forward only for the representative to block his path.

"For the last time, Mr. Jeong, the meeting is canceled and—"

"You're fired." Jeong Jaehyun moved two fingers and his men came forward to grab the representative and without warning, hauled the man to the side.

He was baffled by this, "Mr. Jeong, this behavior is unbefitting of a CEO!"

Jeong Jaehyun ignored him and placed a foot on the carpet. The employees rushed forward to prevent him from taking another step.

He scowled. His father was urgently pressing him for this meeting and the Elders were losing their patience. If he did not act fast, there would be hell to pay.

Kimberly opened her mouth to say something and paused. She spotted two people in the distance. The man was hard to miss, especially when his features were so striking. His face was heaven-defying, the magnum opus of the gods, and the very thing that sculptors would die for if they could just have their eyes gaze upon his face for the slightest second. She swallowed hard. Every time she saw him, she was blown away by how handsome this man was.

President Park was approaching them and he was with a woman. From the looks of it, he was trying to get her attention, but the woman was stand-offish and playing hard to get. Something she was succeeding at. The more she ignored him, the more he vied to get her attention.

Just as his secretary saw the couple so did Jeong Jaehyun, but his eyes dove straight to Jeong Jaehyun first. His sour mood dampened further. Seeing that prissy woman only drove his madness to the edge and all he saw was red.

'This bitch is the reason Park Jimin is not going to see me?!' He snarled inside of his head. 'What? Was warming his bed at night not enough? Now she wanted to do so in the afternoon as well? What a despicable little thing she is.'

He was glad he dumped her when he had the chance.

He roughly shoved past the employees and when they tried to stop him in his path, Jeong Jaehyun's bodyguards suppressed them all. He walked straight to Park Jimin.

"President Park." He spoke up, but Park Jimin acted as if he did not hear him.

"My love, after we eat, let's go somewhere. We haven't been on a date since the amusement park." Park Jimin rubbed tiny circles on her hip when he saw she was suddenly unhappy and he already knew the reason why.

"Park Jimin, why did you cancel the meeting? It's completely unprofessional—"

"I don't believe I gave you permission to use my name." Park Jimin's cold-hearted words were like a slap to Jeong Jaehyun who had spent half of his life coveting after the stoic man.

He still did not forget the embarrassment he suffered at Kim Banquet but was willing to look past that.

"Nothing is more unprofessional than your way of speech." Park Jimin spat out, walking ahead of the stupefied Jeong Jaehyun who finally came to his senses when he saw Park Jimin was leaving.

"Do not get me started on that." Jeong Jaehyun growled, only to be ignored.

He continued on, "What? You're just going to abandon the meeting because of a woman?" Jeong Jaehyun let out a taunting laughter.

"You should learn how to separate business from personal life. Besides, she's another man's leftovers. A piece of trash dumped on the sidewalk."


The lobby that was always frequented by people and constantly filled with loud chatter from opening hours to closing suddenly went quiet. The shuffling of footsteps as people rushed to their stations was nowhere to be found.

Everyone had stopped moving, talking, and even breathing at Jeong Jaehyun's insults.

Park Jimin stopped walking. The corner of his lips quirked up, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "To chase after me, even when rejected, then scornfully insult my woman when you're too terrified to insult me is the most pathetic thing I've ever witnessed." He spat out the words, dumping cold buckets of water upon Jeong Jaehyun.

"Have some dignity." Park Jimin said, "Stop begging and groveling for my attention." With that said, he turned around and walked off with Zhao Lifei in his wake. Today the Jeong Corporation will experience another downfall and it would be directly caused by Park Enterprise.

The employees snickered at Jeong Jaehyun, whose face had become white as paper. Once again, he was utterly humiliated in front of so many people. It was even worse that his subordinates were there to hear it for it caused them to start losing respect for their boss one by one. As the seconds trickled by they began to hang their heads in shame.

Their boss was completely done for. Not only had he caused a public scene, but he had also insulted President Park and Rosè Yang... The future was not looking bright for them.

Thank you so much to all who created me!!!❤️🫶

One chapter for now because I'm drunk I can't upload on is state.

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