Chapter 213: All The Wealth In The World

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Because the door was slightly ajar, Park Jimin could hear their muffled conversation and make out small bits of what was being said. He could see she was comforting his younger sister, something both he and Park Daniel had great trouble doing.

While Rosè Yang comforted Lalisa Park , he came to the conclusion that she would make a fantastic mother — something he planned on ensuring.

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The dinner had officially started. Park Hwan sat at the enormous table in the center of the room, surrounded by a majority of his family members who were doing their very best to kiss up to him; unfortunately, two of his three favorite grandchildren were absent.

Everyone was complimenting the first dish of the seven-course meal, but Park Hwan sat with a glum face that was darker than his usual one. His sour mood worsened when the birds' nest soup was served and his grandchildren were still not present. Although the rambling fool of a grandson, Park Daniel, was chatting up a storm beside him, Park Hwan would not be satisfied until he saw all three of his favorite grandchildren together.

As he was about to signal his people to look for the other two, they walked back into the banquet hall, Park Jimin leading the trio with Lalisa Park and Rosè Yang right behind him. Park Hwan narrowed his eyes.

'Those two rascals! They better have a good explanation!' He fumed to himself, especially when he saw Rosè Yang. 'Did she need something from them? Is that why they're so late to dinner? What could be so damn important for Lalisa Park and Park Jimin to both be absent during the most crucial bonding moment?!'

Kang Seulgi was one of the selected three that were allowed to sit at his table. She saw his displeasure and quietly whispered, "Young Master Jimin was spotted searching for Miss Yang. I suppose that was what took him a while."

Park Hwan did not respond, but her words did add fuel to the fire. His grandson personally searched for her? What for? All he had to do was get his men to drag the woman back to the banquet hall and should she resist, a good slap to the face was enough.

Many of the people surrounding him were too indulged in the food to realize the three of them walking towards their seats.

Rosè Yang could feel the burning, glowering even, stare of Elder Park and when she looked up, she immediately looked back down. The slightest second of eye contact with him was enough for an uneasy feeling to settle in her stomach, her face becoming a bit paler.

Park Jimin saw the small exchange. "Lisa, go back to the table first. Explain to grandfather that you needed Rosè help and it was not the other way around."

Lalisa Park was confused at why she needed to explain anything, but when she saw the accusing glare of her grandfather, she finally understood why. "Okay." She nodded her head, walking back to her grandfather.

Park Jimin settled his arm on her lower back, before grabbing her side and stepping closer to her. "Are you alright? You're pale." He quietly whispered while walking her back to her table which was to the right of theirs.

"I'm fine." She mumbled, not able to look him in the eyes. She could feel it again, those beady eyes set upon her. She felt a sense of Déjà vu as if there was once a time she angered the Elder before, but it was strange to her that she didn't recall ever meeting him before...

"Remember our promise."

"I know, but I don't want to talk about it here..."

Park Jimin took in their surroundings. Aside from the waiters bustling around with the next set of dishes, they were the only two guests standing. Everyone had a perfect view of them. He decided they needed time alone.

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