Chapter 365 - Functioning Arm

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"It seems you have already anticipated my arrival." Yang Marco said when he walked into the study room where the tea and pastries were already set out. Then he realized something highly entertaining.

The bitter oolong tea and unsweetened lotus seed cake were Park Jimin's favorite. Yang Marco only knew of this when he encountered the rascal when he was fifteen and accompanying Park Hwan in the study.

"Or perhaps you were waiting for your dear grandson..."—Who is currently after your head. Yang Marco wisely kept the last comment to himself. He was not going to reveal and snitch on Park Jimin, though he was sure Park Hwan would've known by now. Park Jimin was making his rounds throughout the city and everywhere his eyes settled on, would surely become his.

"I expected both of you would arrive." Park Hwan shifted his head away from the window but kept his body facing the garden. It was the least dazzling one he owned and smaller than the rest, but it was his favorite because this was the spot Park Jimin used to frequent when he visited.

"You should've known by now. I don't tread lightly on those who have harmed my granddaughter." Yang Marco had brought his men today and kept them outside with Li Xuan. He didn't need outsiders to know of their conversation.

"Then how did you punish yourself when you harmed her first?" Park Hwan figured there was no need for friendly chatter anymore. He could sense the people outside, even so, he didn't seem to care. His life's mission was fulfilled tonight. Finally, his grandson had unleashed the beast that is chained within him. The only problem was, Park Hwan didn't know Park Jimin was a lot worse when Rosè Yang wasn't present.

Park Jimin was so worried for her safety, he was willing to privately cut down anyone in her way. Park Hwan didn't know the increase in skeletons after Rosè Yang, he didn't know nor care that Park Enterprise was brought to an even greater level after the investment with RY. So many things that this old man didn't know...So why was he still worried about power?

Park Hwan could've lived his last few years in bliss and surrounded by the love of his grandchildren or even great-grandchildren; however, he chose to go down the worst path possible. Targeting the first granddaughter-in-law who would provide him with great-grandchildren was the stupidest thing to do, especially when there was a dragon hovering over her like a mother hen.

Yang Marco's face was twisted in a wicked and crafty smile to mask the pain in his eyes. The prick on his heart reminded him that even to this day, he had not healed from the mistakes in the past. That even to this day, he still cursed himself for indirectly bringing his granddaughter to ruins.

"You took her back there. To a place I swore I would never bring her to ever again." It was time to acknowledge the past and every atrocious sin he had ever committed, and the majority of it was rooted around Rose Yang. His eyes flashed. He remembered her distant expression when the memories of Park Jimin were completely wiped from her head. Then, she had to go back there to get her memories altered to be Jeong Jaehyun rather than Park Jimin.

"Didn't you hear yourself? You swore to not do so, I never swore on anything." A droplet of water landed on a leaf and soon, the rain started to pour down. Lightning loomed in the distance, flashing, but silent, reminding him of Park Jimin.

The wind howled like a wolf during a full moon. Grey clouds rolled across the sky in no particular pattern. He didn't know crows existed around his manor until he saw a murder of them ominously circling in the sky.

Finally, Park Hwan decided to sit down, gesturing for Yang Marco to do the same. For old times' sake, Yang Marco sat down with his cane still in hand. Because they had been close friends for so long, Park Hwan would never go for a low-blow that targeted the Yang Patriarch's aging body, for he too, was slowly deteriorating.

"You can't place the full blame on me when you were the one who introduced me to the institution." Park Hwan mused, pouring Yang Marco a cup of tea before pouring himself one as well.

Yang Marco stared at the lone petal that had slipped out of the teapot. "The first time, I did it for her sake and protection. This time, you did it for your selfish gains." He grunted, leaving the teacup on the table.

"Regardless of the reason, you still did it to her." Park Hwan deeply chuckled, taking a sip of his tea and wrinkling his nose. The tea had gone cold.

Yang Marco knew he would be forced to come into terms of what he had done in the past. It was going to bite him one day and it was finally today. If there was one thing he had ever regretted in his lifetime, it was not letting his wife go, it was destroying Rose Yang's adulthood and future before anyone else ever could.

- - - - -

Eighteen years ago.

Park Hwan had never intentionally wanted to harm the innocent little girl distracting his grandson's duties. He figured the abrupt separation between the two of them was enough, for she was just a child and didn't seem to pose any deliberate threat. Also, because she was the first-ever granddaughter that was fully acknowledged by Yang Marco. Cherished by the Hua's and Yang's, should any harm come her way, everything would go haywire.

Jing Caoxiao knocked on the door and was greeted with a normal, "Come in." He opened the door, stepped into his Boss' private studies, and then bowed his head.

"How are his studies doing so far?"

Jing Caoxiao already knew who the Patriarch was referring to. "Young Master Feng's grades are still stellar, however, it will be affected soon. On the most recent ethnic test, he scored 99/100 and for his Philosophy paper, he received a 98/100."

Park Hwan's face became stormy. It was the first time since that child was born to not have a perfect score. What happened?! The institution overseas was supposed to help him, not ruin him! "Prepare the jet."

"Yes, Master."

Half an hour later, Park Hwan boarded the aircraft and traveled to the nearby country where he had sent Park Jimin. The Headmaster came out to greet Park Hwan but he was blocked off by the forces and men of the Park Clan.

Jing Caoxiao silently accompanied his Master up a flight of suspending staircases leading to the dormitory. Since this was an all-boys school, there was no need to worry about any other distraction the Young Master might get. So, how was it that his grades were slipping?

No one had anticipated the abrupt arrival of Park Hwan, thus, no one prepared to greet him. At this moment, none of this incompetence mattered. There were a few boys in the hallway who scrambled to the walls, standing up as straight as their postures would allow them. A few didn't know who he was, but those who paid attention to their parents' lessons and advice were familiar with the likes of Park Hwan and the Park clan, who ruled over more than half of the country besides this one.

Being the first Young Master of the Park's, Park Jimin had his own room. This was a private institution swarming with elite and overly wealthy sons. Even so, everyone had to share a room, all except Park Jimin .

The door to his dorm was busted open without warning. Park Jimin didn't flinch or jump, but he did show a flicker of emotion and Park Hwan viewed it as the first sign of weakness. "What is the meaning of your imperfect score?" No greetings, no pleasantries, this was the treatment that Park Jimin was used to. Sure, the servants greeted him and treated him well, but he needed more than that. And Rosè did exactly that. The little bundle of cherished innocence and naivety was all he needed to keep him afloat and sane.

"I am studying." Park Jimin monotonically replied, standing up with his hands behind him. He put up a front that he was not panicking, but deep down he was a bit. His hands worked quickly to hide the white envelope lined with blue and red.

"Really now?" Park Hwan was quick to sense that something was off. The room was neatly organized and not a single thing was out of place except for Park Jimin's desk. There was a stack of books on top of it, but that was not the suspicious part of it all.

Park Hwan tilted his head towards Park Jimin, and Jing Caoxiao stepped forward to examine the desk.

"Touch my belongings and you won't have a functioning arm." Park Jimin's voice was cold and hard with an edge to it, his eyes flaring and glaring daggers at the assistant that seemed like a lap dog to him.

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