Christian Yu(Dpr Ian): Pose for Me

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Every year, you try a new hobby to have an outlet for your creative pursuits. You see enough videos and posts about something and then you'll find yourself itching to try them. Since then, you've tried calligraphy, watercolor painting, and pottery, which you still do from time to time. Your latest obsession is sketching, and you didn't see much progress learning it by yourself and you scoured the internet, looking for lessons that'll fit your schedule.

The classes you're taking are on weekend afternoons. It started easy enough, drawing an apple, drawing a basket full of fruits, to a vase of flowers. The instructor eventually moved the classes outdoors when the weather was warm enough and soon you were sketching fountains and trees in parks, to sitting across the road to draw buildings and landmarks.

One day, one of your classmates asks if you'll be drawing people, in the nude or otherwise. The instructor said yes, you'll do it soon once the models are available and that the class will have to practice drawing other things in the meantime.

A few weeks later, a model became available for a sit-in session. Drawing the human body was one of the hardest things you had to draw. You had some trouble capturing the curves of the body and placing shadows and highlights to give depth to your sketch. You needed to practice and you knew just exactly who your model could be.

You came home to an empty apartment after your class that Sunday night. You knew exactly where else your boyfriend would be and you immediately leave your apartment and stopped by somewhere to pick up dinner before heading to the DPR studio.

Ian was standing in front of the computer, humming a tune as he writes down lyrics to a song he was working on when you entered the studio. He didn't notice you come in, and you stood there watching him, mesmerized at how the music poured out of him.

He eventually notices you after a few minutes and puts the headphones down. "How long have you been there?" he asks and walks toward you, wrapping his arms across your waist.

"Maybe two? Three minutes? I didn't want to disrupt your flow. Hungry?" you asked and raised both arms carrying bags of food.

You bring the food to the table and the two of you eat dinner on the sofa. You tell Ian how you struggled over your classes this weekend, and that you needed practice.

"Can I practice drawing you?"

"I don't have time to pose for you right now, babe. I've deadlines to meet..." he trailed off.

"You don't have to pose for me, not right now anyway. I can practice drawing you as you work so you don't miss your deadlines," you bargained.

He sees how passionate you are about your current hobby and he couldn't say no to that. "Alright," he agrees and presses a kiss on your forehead and you beam at him.

Every night of the following week, you head straight to the DPR studio with dinner to practice drawing Ian. You stay in the background, making sure not to bother him, which gives you the chance to study his features that you know well and love and how the different light sources hit them and the shadows they cast. You take a break when he does because the subject is beside you on the sofa, cuddling you. Being in the studio also helps you make sure that Ian gets enough rest as you have to sometimes literally drag him home when he gets too tired or works til late.

The weekend arrives and despite the practice, you still weren't satisfied with your output. You trudge home, looking forward to sleeping in your bed.

The lights are on when you open your apartment, which only means one thing...

"You're home!" you screamed as you throw yourself to Ian, wrapping your arms across his neck and your legs across his waist.

"How was your class?" he asks as he carries you to sit on the sofa in the living room.

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