Wi HaJoon: Night

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A chuckle came from you as Hajoon scuffed his feet along the floor as he walked towards you, sleepily moving through the house. As he came towards you, you held out your hand, passing his toothbrush across to him so that the two of you could start winding down.

A lazy hand took his brush out of you as you then took the toothpaste and placed some onto Hajoon's brush. After doing the same with your own, you took a step forward, wrapping your free hand into the small of his back.

A weak smile appeared on Hajoon's face as he started brushing his teeth, keeping his eyes staring down at you. You didn't quite know where to look as you brushed your teeth too, feeling your heart race at the feeling of having Hajoon's eyes on you.

"How do you manage to even make brushing your teeth look so sweet?" Hajoon asked you as he cleared his mouth after two minutes. "I mean I look a mess when I brush my teeth, but you somehow make it look like an adorable job."

Your head shook back at Hajoon as you moved in front of the sink to clear your mouth too. His eyes were still firmly on you as you placed your toothbrush back before reaching across the unit to pick up the packet of makeup wipes that you had already gotten out.

"My face needs cleaning, I've been wearing makeup all day."

"Let me guess, you want me to do it too?"

Hajoon's head nodded in reply to you at how predictable he was, brushing his hair back so that his face was uncovered. After taking a wipeout, you placed one hand underneath Hajoon's face to try and keep him still so that you could wipe.

"How was your day on set?" You began to ask him as you started wiping over the tops of his eyes, "Did you manage to finish filming that scene that you said you were doing today?"

"We got it all done," he proudly told you, closing his eyes to make life easier for you. "I was exhausted by the end of it, but it's such a relief to know that we got it done and don't have to worry about filming it anymore."

Your head nodded as you listened intently to Hajoon, moving the wipe along his jawline. "I know how much that scene has been playing on your mind," you sympathized, "at least hopefully tonight you'll be able to sleep comfortably and not worry anymore."

You'd seen firsthand how the latest drama that he was filming had eaten away at Hajoon. He had barely slept, barely taken care of himself, something that you could see as you wiped away his makeup, revealing just how tired his skin was.

As soon as you finished clearing his face, you grabbed a face mask out of your cupboard in the bathroom, unfolding it for Hajoon to use. He didn't move as you lifted the mask and placed it on him, smoothing it out to make sure that it covered every part of his face.

"This should help reenergize you a little bit," you smiled across at Hajoon, throwing the makeup wipe into the bin. "You go and make yourself comfortable if you fancy, I'll finish tidying up in here and put everything away for the night."

Hajoon nodded back at you, taking a few small steps toward the door. "Looking at myself right now, I feel as if I've nailed down the boyfriend aesthetic you know Y/N."

A chuckle came from you as you looked back at Hajoon, taking a moment to study him. When the two of you first started dating, face masks were something that he refused to do, but over time you had managed to convince him to let you do one, and ever since then, Hajoon had been loving them more and more.

"Stop talking, you'll disturb your mask," you scolded, ushering Hajoon out of the room. "Go and make yourself comfortable on the bed and I'll be there in a moment."

He nodded once again, this time turning around and walking through into the bedroom, throwing the duvet back and sliding in underneath it. Once everything was organized in the bathroom, you walked through into the bedroom too, seeing Hajoon comfortable already.

"Do you want anything before I join you under there?" You asked him, slowly walking around to your side of the bed, pulling the duvet back too.

Hajoon's head shook in reply to you, extending his arm out for you to lay over the top of, wrapping it around you to pull you into his side. As he did, your eyes couldn't help but look at him still with his mask, poking your finger against his cheek.

"I think it's been about fifteen minutes," you told him, tugging at the bottom of his mask. "I'll take it off for you," you smiled, slowly peeling it back much to Hajoon's relief.

After throwing the mask across the room towards where the bin was, your hands smoothed over Hajoon's face, rubbing in what was left over from the mask. You could already see a difference in him, noticing how much better his skin looked.

"At least you look awake now," you teased as Hajoon asked you how he looked. "I love you, but when you came home from work, I could tell straight away just by the look in your eyes that it had been a bit of a difficult day for you."

"I agree with you," Hajoon replied with a chuckle, "I felt a little bit dead, to be honest with you," he added, settling down into his pillow. "I guess I'm just a lucky guy, at least I get to come home to someone here to look after me when I'm busy."

Your head nodded back at him, "I'll always be here to look after you, I know how hard you work and how much pressure you put on yourself too."

"I have to do well," Hajoon reminded you, "this industry can be brutal sometimes Y/N."

Your smile was weak as Hajoon spoke, "That doesn't mean that you should neglect yourself though, your health is the most important."

With a smile much wider than yours, Hajoon looked back at you, "I don't need to worry about my health, I've got you to do that for me instead."

"I'm being serious," you laughed, "I don't want to lose my boyfriend to work all the time."

Hajoon nodded in reply to you, knowing that you were right. He loved being your boyfriend and didn't want to rely on you instead of being able to take care of you and not let work get in the way of anything.

He wanted more of the moments that you shared right now, the ones where he was able to relax and talk to you without any interruptions, and nothing playing on his mind too.

"You need to rest," you warned Hajoon as you felt his eyes staring across at you, "catch up on the sleep that you've missed out on."

His head shook in response, "I feel wide awake right now, I want to talk to you for a little while, I've missed you recently."

"I've been right here," you chuckled, "we've both been right here together."

Hajoon hummed back at you, "I've been so distant with work though, at least tonight I'm here with you, properly."

"We can stay awake, but when your eyes close, it's alright."


tumblr: blu-joons

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