I.M (Changkyun): Take Care

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Warnings: Changkyun is sick (just flu)

Summary: You saw him on a radio show broadcast looking tired and sick. You're worried.

You hear him cough even before opening the door of the small apartment, you hear him come in dragging his feet while holding a sneeze, and you hear him remove his winter jacket, his sneakers, and the bag he carries on him as if everything weighed a thousand pounds, dropping the stuff on the floor carelessly, you hear him sigh, a really tired sigh.

It's almost 4 in the morning.

Before even thinking to announce that he is back, you greet him relieved that he was able to return home to rest for a few hours before having to go back to fulfill that tight schedule that his job entails. Between those late dance practices, the endless shows and presentations, the stages, and the unhealthy diet you are very aware that comebacks can be brutal.

"I saw you on the radio show this morning... I sent a very angry message to your manager" You confess without shame. You see how his face lightens despite those deep dark circles on his face and although he hides behind those long fringes, you see how his features soften and he smiles a little.

"No wonder why he was so tense and nervous".

Your features also soften and you come close to hug him, one he doesn't deny, he hides his face in the crook of your neck and you can feel the coldness of his body temperature as if he hadn't just taken off a padded jacket a few moments ago. You gently rub his back and run your hand through his straight hair while you feel him embrace you in his arms a little more... suddenly you feel him abruptly pull away, almost as if you had burned him.

"Wait, I'm very sick, I don't want you to get si-..."

"Oh shut up, I don't care" You see how he opens his mouth to reply but instead a sneeze came out and now he has no choice but to surrender.

"I know it's 4 in the morning but I did dak juk, I think it'll help you feel better and then you could take a bath but I don't know how long you are staying here, actually I don't know if it's better if you go straight to bed and sleep for more hours... " Ideas pile up in your mouth as you head to the kitchen followed by the sound of him dragging his feet, you hear him laugh almost like a sigh.

"They gave me half a day, something like that".

You sigh in pure frustration, half a day is no time to recover from the flu this strong, the memory of him leaning his forehead on the radio show microphone crosses your mind, you were going to turn around to complain about everything when you feel him hugging you from behind and now resting his forehead on your shoulder.

"You shouldn't have cooked anything," he tells you in a muffled voice, his mouth pressed against your shoulder. Finally, you let yourself go and grab his hand with which he is holding you firmly by the waist. He looks so tired, you understand that the last thing you'd want if you were in his shoes is to hear complaints, no matter how right they are.

"I'm sorry for complaining so much, it's just... I was really worried when I saw you like that in the morning... I'm happy that you're here to rest a little" Your voice is almost inaudible, but you don't let go of his hand and he doesn't break his hold.

"I love you".

You smile and close your eyes, the sound of the kettle with boiling water starts to fill the room.

"I love you too, Changkyun".

tumblr: minraeh

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