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Every morning I would get up early and make everyone breakfast,but yet kenny still stands in defence mood by being ungreatful saying "pancakes again,did'nt we ate this yesterday",I was going to make an remark ,but I rolled my eyes and just brushed it off. Everyone is eating at the table , as derin goes to grab the syrup kenny slaps her hand away saying with a evil smirk " you had enough fatty ". Knowing derin she reacted with out any thought, derin reached for the nearest thing to her right(wooden spoon) and wacks kenny with it saying
"Stop frigging with me ", kenny sits quietly and looks at her head bleeding . Jake yucks derin hand saying
"babe its not worth it ". Everyone started shouting for no necessary reason, during the shout they heard a knock on the door. They was in shock because in zombie land there wasnt a time when annoying neighbors would come to your door asking for a cup of sugar. August wanting to be the brave idiot and answered the door to show off in front of his girlfriend jaarona. Not knowing that a blood thirsty undead person attacked him. It wasnt a suprise to me and derin. Jake ,kenny and jaarona went in and ambushed on the undead,as me and derin sit back and watch.
Never the less the zombie ends up headless,august ends up in shock and jaarona is constantly kissing on his tattoes thinking that he is brave. In the corner of derin's eye she noticed kenny flirting with jake as they talk about the fight. Jake carries kenny into the bathroom to see if she is ok.

Derin leans over to me saying
" why didnt he do that for me". She said that with an worried look on her face
Gabi-"because you won the fight".

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