Catch me if you can

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Silence was thick in the air. Jaarona felt very uneasy with her brandnew freedom.

Jaarona-"Do you guys think what we did is a bad thing?"

Carlos-"we are bad people"

Gabi-" Can everyone shut up. It already happened and we cant go back"

Trent-" Why cant we? He might still be alive ."

Jake-" Yall wanna go back and check?"

Gabi-"No. We cant go back, We already did the unfixable damage. Why would we go back?"

Charity-" Well now I guess we have to find another home. Thanks Gabs ."

Chris-" Yeah , we were happy where we was."

Gabi-" Well am sorry for not thinking of a better plan, but we just have to keep on moving."

While we were driving , Jake notices a bright light up ahead. His paranoia starts to kick in so he stopped the trailor in the middle of the road and picked up the nearest gun.

He stepped out the trailor and walked slowly towards the mysterious sight.

I started shouting at him" Jake are you stupid? Get back in here."

He shushed me and kept moving towards the light.

I stepped out to get him back in the trailor. Trent followed me and trys to prevent from going toward the light, but the mysterious bright light caught our curiousity. Everyone else started creeping behind to see what was blinding sight was.

As we kept getting closer and closer A large metal school bus obviously ready for war drove throw our dedicated trailor.

The thing driving the bus was a horrifying sight to the eye. It obviously was'nt human , anymore. Its skin was slashed and bursted open . Blood mixed with pus kept drenching out of it .Its teeth was as sharp as knife, but it was in its right mind so it wasnt a zombie.

That creature had friends and it was obvious that light was a distraction. We basicly just walked perfectly in there trap.

Trent shouted "RUN"

We ran like there was no tomorrow.As we were running I noticed the creature eating the undead for energy just to chase us down. The creatures was fast, they were on feet , in buses and on motorcycles.

It had me wondering if where on foot and there on bikes and in buses. Why are they driving so slow.

Then I relised they was a sick and twisted game of catch.

I got tired of games , I screamed out "Split up into different areas. They catch us all"
We went into different places and just kept running. Me and Chris sadly ran together in the same area while Trent and tanaj ran together.

We all scattered light ants hoping not to be found.

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