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During Chris time with Kenny , Jake walks up on Kenny kissing  chris ,and not on the mouth.

Jake is in shock Kenny  just smiles at him.
Chris -" Can you keep a secret?"

  Jake-"I live for them."
Chris  felt  guilty for what he allowed, and as he started to think things throw he  relises that him and Tanaj never had sex nor  ever seen each other naked. He knew kenny was lieing from that serpent smirk on her face after she was done.
    Jake came in our room .Derin and Tanaj exited the room as  soon as he entered.
     He told me what happened with chris and kenny .

Gabi- " So if I told to keep a secret you would go and tell some body".

He chuckled and said " I only told you   because i trust you"

The room went silent  He stared in my eyes for 1minute.   I had to wake myself out of his dreamy  light green eyes and relise that he is bestfriend's ex.

I rushed him  out of my room   before the staring led to something else.

I sighed in depression , I felt like I was in to deep.

I decided that I would just  be cold hearted to him and act like he is the enemy.

He came back in my room and  brought me food  and said -"Sorry" for nothing.

That was one of the most sweetest thing ever.

My heart melted in my underwear. I couldnt deny food, so I took the food and  pushed him out of the room.

I saw it on his face that he was sad and confused about how i exited him out my room.
  I had to keep my feelings a secret and I made a promise to myself to dont let the feelings grow and to dont express them.
Later on that night everyone was in the passenger lane. We're yall drinking and telling jokes and enojoying ourselves , then  Jaarona had to go and said -" Lets play spin the bottle."

Tanaj exited the room and go in the pilots room with her'FAITHFUL' boyfriend.

  As we was playing spin the bottle it was my turn to spin.

As I spinned it  stopped to jake, I said-" We're not going to right?",

Kenny-" You have to its the game" 

Derin - " Yeah sure , do it".

Jake gave me a look and whispered- " We dont have to if you dont want to"

  Kenny over heard him and said- " Yes she does have to".

I  finally  grow the guts and said- " Its no big , lets get this over with."

My inside grow as tight as leather, the kiss was like fire works on independance day.

Not noticing the kiss actually last for 2minutes .

When we were done  there was an awkward silence luckly Chris killed that silence by yelling-"Where here".
  Everyone stared out the window, it had looked like paradise.

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