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Gabi-"WHAT THE F***"

Jaarona screamed-"Help me."

I rushed to her and held her and shouted-"Push"

August held Jaarona's hand.Jaarona squeezed his hand tightly and said-"You did this to me you MOTHER F*****"

She kept pushing and pushing harder. GRANDMAH ETTA then came and pressed on her stomach.

Jaarona started to breath hard and said-"WHAT THE F*** are you doing"

The baby's head started to poke and out. GRANDMAH ETTA started to push harder on her stomach . The baby then slipped out in my hands.

It was a beautiful baby girl by the name of Aria.

GRANDMAH ETTE removed her hand and said-"Your welcome." Then went to her room.

Gabi-"She's so beautiful."

I then handed August his baby girl and tears of joy fell down his face. Fred patted his back and said-"Congratulation."

I went back up to my room and washed my hands then went back into my depression mode.

Jaarona held her baby girl and said-"Hi Aria am your mommy."

August-"She is so beautiful. I cant believe I have a baby girl."

Dashawn-"Congrats men."

Jaarona-"Ok am really tired. Am going to breast feed her and put her to bed."

Nikki-"We have 2 newborn's crib in the attic if you would like."

Jake-"Can i get one for Eli?"

Nikki-"No problem."

Jake and Fred went in the attic to get the crib's for the babies.

Everyone has dashed to bed.

Dashawn slept in the living room.

Nikki stayed up late to clean up the kitchen and August could'nt sleep over the fact the he has a kid.

August enters the kitchen.

Nikki-"What do you want?"

August-"I cant believe that I have a kid."

Nikki-"Congrats , now get out ."

August-"What did I do?"

Nikki-"Be an A**HOLE is what you did."

August-"Ok I agree what I did was S***** , but Gabi will get over it. She always does."

Nikki-"Dont you relise that you could have ruined a relationship?"

August-"What do you want me to do ? Apologise?"

Nikki-"I cant believe Gabriella actually think you've gotten better , but your still the JERK OFF from highschool."

Nikki frustratedly exited the room and went up to the balcony where the moon light shined deeply on to the house.

August follows her.


August-"Is it true that you liked me in highschool?"

Nikki-"Yes and your B**** A** did'nt even notice."

August-"You never made it obvious."

Nikki-"I basicly was dripping after you, but I guess no one ever notices me."

August leans in towards Nikki and says-"I notice you."

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