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I leaped my face down in my bed.

Tanaj-"Men are D****"

Derin-"And Idiots"

Nikki-"There D*** and Idiots."

Gabi-"I cant believe he did that."

Derin-"He's an A**HOLE ."

Tanaj-"You should go down there and tell him about his A**"

Nikki-"And stab in him in his left nut."

Derin-"Umm I dont think the stabbing in male genitals is necessary."


Gabi-"I just cant believe he'd do such a thing. I feel violated."

Nikki-"There F****** disgusting."

Derin-"Men are sickening. We all should just turn lesbians."

Tanaj-"No thank you I like my boyfriend to much."

Gabi-"I thought we actually had something serious,but I guess am just dating a little boy."

Dashawn opens the door and says-"We need to talk."

Nikki,Tanaj and Derin exited the room and said-"A**HOLE."

Dashawn shuts the door and says-"Am sorry."

Gabi-"F*** your sorry."

Dashawn-"Can I explain myself please?"

Gabi-"Yes please explain to me why you did that."

Dashawn- "August just pressured me into doing it. Its not something am of proud Gabi.Am sorry."

Gabi-"You have no respect for me or our relationship and you embarrassed me infront of my friends. Why do I always fall for the bad guys?"

Dashawn-"Am not bad. Its just a silly mistake."

Gabi-"Silly? Silly? You have no right to call my embarrassment and frustration your silly mistake. Your not feeling what am feeling."

Dashawn-"Your right and you have every right to be mad, but Gabriella please dont break up what we have."

Gabi-"Dashawn I dont know what to feel right now. I'm starting to rethink our everything. I need some time to think."

Dashawn went towards the door and said -"Gabriella please."

He left.

My heart was brooken. I felt used and I felt like a game constantly being played. Its obvious that he's actually sorry , but either way I keep getting hurt. Should I just give up on love?

While I was deep thinking , Jaarona screamed-"Its coming."

I ran down stairs to Jaarona on the floor about to give birth.

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