Chapter 1

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"Shit" I murmured under my breath as the elevator at the hotel ground to halt. The fluorescent lights flickering. That didn't sound good I thought to myself.

The man I was sharing an elevator with glanced over at me taking out one of his AirPods. "I think the elevator is stuck" I said.

"It does seem that way" he replied in a thick Hispanic accent.

"I'll see if I can call for some help" I said making my way toward the buttons. I pressed the telephone button and silence rang out before a man answered. "Everything okay?" He asked.

"Um no myself and another gentleman are stuck in one of your elevators. Are you able to send for some help?"

"Apologies ma'am we'll be on it right away but I can't guarantee it won't be a while"

"Thanks" I said sighing and looking at my watch. 6pm. I'm going to be late I thought. I made my way back over to my corner and slumped down on the black carpet. Crossing my legs and pulling out my phone I looked over at the man and said "Looks like it might be a while".

He smiled and forced a laugh out through his nose. He too slumped down on the floor of the elevator extending his legs out in front of him, his slacks revealing his tanned but hairy ankles.

I had to stop myself from gawking at him so I pulled out my phone and started scrolling endlessly through instagram. I texted my my friend Lottie and let her know I would be late. Elevator delay. But at least I got to spend it with a hot Spaniard. I hate myself I thought scrunching up my face and sinking into my own cringe.

"My name is Carlos" he said cocking his head toward me and leaning slightly in.

I smiled. "Saffy".

"So you're a guest of the hotel too?" He asked.

"Yeah just a bit of a girls week and also work. What brings you to Melbourne?"

"The Formula One Grand Prix actually" he said alluding to something. I raised an eyebrow. "I thought the event didn't start until Thursday?"

He smiled at me slightly puzzled "uh yeah, just uh sight seeing before hand".

"Oh that sounds lovely" I said smiling.

The elevator fell silent and we exchanged an awkward silence. I think it's safe to say we could both see the cogs in our brains turning trying to make some small talk.

As I was about to turn away back to my phone he awkwardly asked "any plans for tonight?"

"Um yes actually just dinner and drinks with a couple of my girl friends" I awkwardly chuckled. I'd rather be having dinner with you I thought. Shut up! "And you?" I asked shaking the thought from my brain.

"Yeah same just dinner and drinks with some friends". I smiled and nodded "where abouts?"

"I'm not sure what it's called but I thinks it's just down the road" he smiled "what about you?"

"Yeah same not sure what it's called but I've heard they've got some great cocktails" I nervously laughed.

The air fell awkward and silent again. It's times like these I wish I was better at making small talk and holding a conversation. God he probably thinks I'm boring as hell. As I fought internally with myself the elevator jolted and started moving. I looked at my watch. Only 30 minutes that's not too bad.

"Well that was quick" I said laughing awkwardly.

We both stood up. Me not so gracefully but effortlessly trying at the same time.

He smiled and chuckled. I caught his gaze for a moment before the elevator doors opened.

"Ladies first" he said extending an arm. "Thanks" I said flattening out my denim skirt.

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