Chapter 29

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I was going to be in London for 5 weeks gaining the experience of a life time but at the same time I was said to be leaving my team for that time but they would be okay. They all knew what they were doing and we had another solicitor standing in for me whilst I was away. That solicitor was my boss and I wasn't quite sure if he was going to be up to it. I told him he could call me at anytime if there were any issues but he tried to assure me it wouldn't be that bad.

I've noted that down so I can shove it in his face when something when wrong but at the same time I had faith lol. What I wasn't looking forward to was the long fuck off trip it was going to take to get there. 1 flight to Perth and then 1 nonstop flight to London.

Work had been quite conscious of my flying and offered me to do the trek in two trips but I disagreed and asked to do it in one. After all I had done it before.

I was on the flight to London at the moment and to be honest I really regretted doing the travelling all in one day. I was dead and we were only 2 hours into the 18hour flight. I decided to get some sleep on the plane hoping it would make the trip go faster.

I was excited to be in London. I would be spending the first week arriving, getting sorted at my accommodation, figuring out where I was and how to get to work. Basically the first week was all about figuring out where the hell I was. The next 4 weeks after that would be work work work and I was actually pretty excited. I was going to be shadowing a couple of the senior associates and I was just hoping to make a good impression.

My plan had worked and I woke up with an hour to go before landing. The Valium also helped as well I guess lol. As we made our descent I couldn't help to think what my time in London might be like.

As the plane landed I immediately took off my seat belt and stretched after having been crammed in a small plan seat for 18 hours. I eventually grabbed my carry on suitcase from the locker and headed out into the airport. I followed the signs and headed to the baggage claim carousel and eventually grabbed my bag. I then headed out and hailed down a cab and I was off to my long stay hotel.

I eventually arrived and trudged into the lobby of the hotel. I grabbed my room key and headed up to my room. I dropped my bags down and immediately flopped down onto the bed. I groaned before rolling over on to my back and begrudgingly opening my eyes. I studied my room which was going to be my place of residence for the next 5 weeks. The place was a lot bigger than I needed to be honest. There was a small table and chairs, a TV and a very small kitchenette as well as the bed and bathroom. It was pretty much just like being at home.

I headed towards the table and found a menu sitting in the middle. I decided to order room service, inhale my food, shower and then go to sleep. I was absolutely knackered. As I ordered they let me know it would be about 20 minutes so I decided to unpack my bags a little bit. As I started doing so my phone started to ring out. It was Lewis.

"Hey" I said putting the phone on loudspeaker and setting it down on the bed.

"Hey Saff how are you? Did you just fly in?" Lewis said cheerily.

That was the great thing about Lewis. He was always in a good mood no matter what.

"Yeah I just got into the hotel"

"Did you wanna grab dinner tonight or too tired?"

"Aw thanks Lewis but I am so tired and I just ordered room service"

"Okay well what about lunch tomorrow?"

"That sounds lovely. Hopefully I'll be awake by then" I laughed.

He laughed "okay I'll let you get settled but I'll see you tomorrow. Let me know where you're staying I'll come and pick you up around 12"

"Sounds good"

"Lovely see you soon Saf"

"See you Lewis" I said smiling to myself.

I left my phone and continued unpacking the rest of my bag. As I was almost diner my dinner had arrived and like I said it was finished in 10 minutes. I decided to leave the rest of my bag and headed to the bathroom for a long hot shower that would involve a lot of scrubbing to get the plane and days travel off of me.

I finished my steamy shower and headed back to the bedroom getting changed into my comfy pjs. I plugged in my charger and snuggled into bed. I set my alarms and decided to scroll a little bit through Instagram. As I was scrolling through my home page a photo of Carlos appeared from a recommended fan page. I couldn't help myself but indulge in maybe a couple of photos. Soon enough I found myself taking a deep dive on a fan page.

You name it I saw it, photos, fan edits, montages, videos. All of it. I was a lovesick puppy just trying to catch a glimpse of the man I still loved. As I scrolled I stumbled upon a recent interview with him and Charles. He looked a little down but nonetheless was ready to answer questions.

"Do you guys have any plans for the upcoming break? No doubt spending time with family, friends, girlfriends?" The interviewer asked.

Carlos shifted in his seat and he and Charles shared an awkward glance at each other.

"Uh yes probably just some down time, playing on the simulators, seeing our families. It will be great" Charles said answering for the both of them.

"And you Carlos?" The interviewer turned to him.

"Uh yea spending time with family and friends" he gave an awkward smile before lowering the mic.

I immediately went to the comment section and noticed that a lot of people were commenting on Carlos behaviour and his lack of mentioning me. There was a lot of speculation. 

I decided that was enough for one night and immediately turned off my phone and put it on the bed side table. I turned out the light and rolled over into a very very deep sleep.

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