Chapter 72

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5 years later

I had a full day today. Mostly in the afternoon so I took advantage of the beautiful Monaco morning by going and grabbing a coffee at one of the local cafés. As I stood waiting for my coffee a familiar voice called out my name. I looked up from my phone and looked around before finally turning around to see him. He was sat by himself with a book and a coffee at a table in the corner.

I collected my chai tea before heading over to him smiling "hola" I said smiling.

He stood up and wrapped me in a hug "hola Saf" he said smiling.

"It's been a while" I said awkwardly chuckling.

"Please would you like to have coffee with me?" He asked ushering to the empty seat.

I shrugged "sure" I said pulling out the chair and carefully sitting down.

"So how have you been?" He asked.

"Really good. Really good" I said smiling and nodding.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm doing okay" he said smiling "doing okay". He took a sip from his cup "what have you been up to?" He asked.

"Well I'm married now" I said blushing showing him my ring "also 7.5 months pregnant now" I said rubbing my belly.

"Wow" he said and a wave of sadness washed over his face.

"What about you? What have you been up to?" I asked sipping on my tea.

"Just the usual you know. Nothing really interesting from me" he said sighing "so" he said staring intently "how is work?"

"It's good I uh I'm actually not a lawyer anymore" I said looking down.

"No?" He asked confused.

"No I was actually really struggling with work. It's hard being a woman in a male dominated area. I eventually just got pushed out. Found it really hard to get a senior role so I turned to charity work instead" I said nodding not looking at him.

"What charities?" He asked.

"I actually run two and I volunteer at a couple others. Mostly for women who are facing abuse in the home and I do a lot of work for gender equality and I'm also looking at opening up another charity here which I had back in Australia that supplies women in need with basic sanitary items" i said smiling "it's not much but it feels good to put back into the community you know" I said.

"That's amazing" he said shocked "Saff that's really really amazing. So selfless of you I really admire that" he said squeezing my hand "so what brings you to Monaco?"

"Well my husband actually lives here. I. I live here now" I said trailing off.


"Yeah I learnt some French and I'm learning Italian so I can speak at least one of the local languages. Charles has been helping me out" I said laughing.

"He never mentioned" Carlos said looking down at his cup.

"Yeah I kind of asked them not to tell you about me or what I was up to" I said playing with my ring "just a privacy thing you know" I said shrugging.

"I understand" he said nodding.

"So" he said wiggling his eyebrows "who's the lucky man?" He asked.

I stared at him for a moment. Trying to think about how to choose my words carefully.

I cleared my throat "um" I said looking away getting nervous "you know him um it's actually it's it's Max" I said peering up to look at him.

He was silent "huh" was all he said.

"Yeah" I said looking away. It was awkward now.

"How? I guess is all I can really ask"

"Well after we had split up we still stayed in touch. After about a year, we just got to talking and we just clicked and yeah" I said shrugging.

He nodded.

"He's really sweet, so kind, funny, he makes me feel better on a rainy day" I said smiling thinking about Max.

"So how long have?" He asked trailing off.

"Well we were dating for two years, engaged for one and we just celebrated our first year of being married about a month ago" I said.

"But I've never seen you at any of the races. Like ever. Not even on the screens or in the paddock" he said confused.

"I only go to four races. The Monaco Grand Prix, the Dutch Grand Prix, the Melbourne Grand Prix and the final race of the season"

"But I have never seen you there"

"I do my best to stay out of the way of the cameras" I chuckled.


"I try to keep a very low profile. Though I have seen photos of my on Instagram on those fan pages. Sometimes they will have a photo or two of me in the paddock".

"Wow" was all he said again taking it all in.

"And you're pregnant now" he said staring at my belly "congratulations" he choked out.

I could see the pain in his eyes.

"Um yeah" I said "it's a boy. It actually took us a while to conceive. I was on medications for a while and we were really close to doing IVF. We said we would give it one more shot and if it didn't work we would look at IVF but I guess we managed to do it" I said tearing up "sorry" I said wiping a tear.

"I'm really happy for you Saf" he said staring at me squeezing my hand once more.

We stared at each other for a while before my phone interrupted.

"I need to go" I said pushing myself up.

"Are you sure?" He asked standing up.

"Yeah Max is waiting for me outside" I said pointing to him. He smiled and waved.

"Oh" Carlos said, the sadness evident in his voice.

"It was really good to see you" I said staring at home before engulfing him in a hug one last time.

"I'm really glad I saw you" he whispered into your ear.

You gave him one last smile before walking back to your husband.

"Ready to go Mrs Verstappen?" He asked giggling like a little school girl.

"Yes I am" I said laughing slapping his arm "you know you don't have to keep calling me that" I said.

He opened the car door "I know but it's just so fun to say" he said smiling closing the door behind me.

I shook my head.

This man I laughed to myself.

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