Chapter 33

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I lay awake in my hotel room staring at the ceiling. I couldn't get him off my mind and I hated myself for it. I ripped the covers off and chucked on a dress I had lying around in my suitcase. I decided that if I couldn't get some sleep, I was going to have to do it the old fashioned way.

I grabbed my bag and phone and headed out of my room. I made my way downstairs to the lobby and made a beeline for the bar. I was going to get drunk as a skunk.

Was this the correct response? Absolutely not

Was this going to get me to sleep though? Absolutely

I started off light and ordered 5 shots of vodka. I threw them back already regretting my decision after 2 shots but it would be a shame to waste the rest. Feeling now good about myself I ordered two more. After throwing those back I thought I should wait to let the alcohol hit me and ordered a Long Island ice tea. Nothing like 4 shots and a splash of coke to get you the rest of the way there.

"Are you alright madam?" The bartender asked sliding the drink over to me on a cocktail.

I made an a-ok sign with my hand "splendid" I replied taking a large sip of my drink.

"You might regret this all in the morning"

"You're very smart" I squinted looking at his name badge "Vincenzo"

"It's Vinny for short" he smiled polishing a glass "want to tell me why you're down here by your lonesome at 11pm at night?"

"Have you ever not been able to sleep before Vinny?"

"Sometimes" he said contemplating the question

"Well this is my cure to that" I said starting to slur my words slightly.

"Well it's not a very good cure"

"You got better ideas?"

"Yeah but I'm still on shift" he winked

I smirked "I'm flattered"

We smiled at each other before he went and unloaded the small glassware dishwasher from under the bar. I pulled out my phone and checked my messages. Just Lewis checking if I was okay. I debated whether or not I tell him about the fact that I was in the hotel bar. I opted not to. I could take care of myself. A strong independent and slightly drunk lady.

I finished the rest of my drink and ordered on more from Vinny.

"This is a bad idea chérie" he said making the cocktail

"I'm watching you Vin don't be watering my drink down" I said smirking leaning across the bar.

"I wouldn't dare" he said winking and handing me the drink.

I giggled like a little school girl and took a sip "thanks" I winked back.

I sat at the bar a little longer and finished off my drink. Now feeling slightly more drunk than I intended to be and with a lot more liquid courage I decided to head back up to my room. As I got off the bar stool I tried to compose myself. I grabbed my bag and headed out back towards the elevators when I felt a large hand grab my arm.

I turned around to see Vinny smiling down at me "I never got your name"


"Well Saffron I thought I might give you this" he said letting his eyes trail up and down my body.

"Thanks" I said grabbing the paper out of his hand and blowing him a kiss.

I wandered over to the elevators and pressed the button. The elevator doors opened and I wandered in pressing my level. As I got out of the elevator I walked to the end of the hall when all of a sudden I bumped into a familiar body.

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