Chapter 15

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She was stunning, standing there in just the necklace I had given her. I was in love with her everything. The way she laughed, her humour, her smile, the way her dark brown eyes glowed bright in the sunlight. She was breath taking.

I loved the way she was passionate about her career always striving to do her best and punishing herself when she thought she wasn't doing enough. It was impressive to see a woman that I was dating actually care about what they were doing with their life.

I had never felt this way about a woman before. Saf was different. She was something more than the other women I had dated. They usually only wanted to be with me for 2 things. Money and fame. But she didn't. She didn't even know who I was and even when she found out who I was it didn't seem to phase her.

It was so surreal. I wasn't sure how to tell her at first that I was in love. I think I was trying to push the feelings aside mainly because I was scared and didn't know where they were coming from. But it was coming from a familiar place. Saffron felt like home. Having her near me completed me and I couldn't stand being away from her.

There was something about her that made me want to take her of her, love her, be with her. I found myself constantly wanting to please her. But I must admit there were moments where I wasn't sure if I could do this long distance thing. I needed her near me. I couldn't stand for her to be across the other side of the world.

But now that she was here with me. I desperately wanted it to remain this way for forever. I had so much planned for us this week. I tried to schedule in as much time with her as I could in between racing and marketing and PR. You name it I probably had it planned out. But she was only here for 7 days. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to cope with her leaving.

I quickly tried to shake those thoughts of her leaving again and focus back on the moment in front of me. I watched her as she slowly moisturised every inch of her body. No wonder she so supple and smooth. Her skin was beautiful.

She moved over to her suitcase, picking out a black singlet, grey leggings and a pair of grey thick fluffy socks. She dressed herself in front of me before wandering back into the bathroom and loosely styling her short dark brown hair. It effortlessly fell around her. She then grabbed her glasses and slipped them up the bridge of her nose. The big brown frames tying her look together.

"It's not much" she shrugged her shoulders and chuckled "but it's comfortable" she smiled and wandered off into the living room. She looked beautiful in anything even if she didn't try.

I headed to the wardrobe and grabbed a pair of black joggers and a grey t-shirt loosely throwing them on and following her to the lounge room. She was hung up on the windows staring out into the night. The soft city lights like stars in the night.

"It's just beautiful here" she sighed smiling.

I couldn't help but admire her. She was always happy always laughing always in a good mood. I didn't think anything could bring her down. I watched as she wandered over to the couch and sat herself down, crossing her legs and staring at the books on the coffee table. She grabbed one and looked at me holding it up "I have this one at home".

She smiled and opened the book flicking through the pages before settling on reading about art and chivalry studying ever single detail of the book. I stared at her for a couple of moments before heading over to the kitchen.

I had prepared dinner earlier this afternoon. Fresh home made pasta in a tomato based sauce made with home grown tomatoes. I started cooking occasionally looking over at her still intently reading the book. It was cute.

"Carlos did you know that activities such as jousting and hunting were most closely associated to chivalry according to Thames and Hudson".

I smiled hummed at her as she pointed out interesting facts that she found intriguing making sure to really illustrate the point to me.

"Are you even listening to me?" She asked in a whining tone.

I laughed at her and nodded my head "yes mi amore. But I am also trying to make sure you're fed after you're long day"

"What are you making?" She asked inquisitively looking over at me. "It smells delicious".

She put down the book carefully so as to not lose her page and wandered into the kitchen carefully analysing everything that was happening.

"Look good?"

She nodded and rubbed her belly "can't wait" she exclaimed before heading back to the book and the couch.

She peeked her head up above her book a couple of times asking if I needed help. I kept brushing her off and told her she needed to relax. It was my time to look after her. She blushed.

I eventually finished dinner and dished up carrying two bowls over to the table. I grabbed two glasses and a bottle of red wine. And set them out. "Ready to eat Amore?" I asked wandering over to her and outstretching my arm offering a hand for her to take.

She put the book down and grabbed my hand. Her hands were so soft and supple. I led her to the table and she let out a gasp. "You are too sweet!" She exclaimed. She looked pleased and I was just happy to see her happy.

She took her seat and I poured her a glass of red "now this is a lovely bottle. I hope you like it".

She took a sip and let it sit in her mouth before swallowing. "Not bad not bad. But not as good as a rosé" she cheekily said winking at me.

I rolled my eyes at her before telling her to eat. She laughed and started to tuck in.

I took in this moment and for a second I saw our future together flicker past. I was happy.

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