Chapter 27

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I was woken up from my slumber with a fright. My eyes shot open as I bolted upright sitting on the bed. My chest rising and falling quickly and heavily. I put my palm up to my forehead trying my best to slow my breathing.

I rummaged around on the side table and checked the time, 4am. I groaned rubbing my eyes looking around at the unfamiliar room. I looked to my left seeing Dean sound asleep, his chest rising and falling so slowly. I smiled to myself gazing over at him. The sheets had been pulled off his body slightly revealing his toned tanned abs.

I slinked back down into bed and lay there staring at the ceiling. I glanced over at Dean and then back to the ceiling. I couldn't help but think about Carlos. I wish it were him that I was laying next. Him that I had had sex with. Him. Him. Him. That's all I could think about. I tossed and turned trying to replace images of him with Dean but it didn't work.

I was awake now and there was no chance of me getting back to sleep. I got up and wandered out of Deans room down the hall and into the toilet. I locked the door behind me and did my business. As I finished up I opened the door and headed into the bathroom washing my hands and my mouth trying to get the remnants of last night out.

My stomach rumbled as I clutched it. I didn't eat much last night and now I was starving. As I went to turn out of the bathroom I could faintly hear voices coming toward me. It sounded like Deans room mates but I wasn't totally sure.

I peaked my head round the door frame and could see the shadows of a couple of guys. They were murmuring too much so I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. I decided to quietly tip toe back into Deans room making it seem like I wasn't there however my plan didn't go quite as I expected.

It was really dark and I could barely see when I collided with someone knocking me to the floor. "Shit so sorry" I said scrambling to get up.

"Oh shit my bad my bad" the voice said offering a hand to help me.

I stood up flattening out the top I was wearing trying to pull it down so as not to reveal too much.

He looked at me with a puzzled glance as if he was trying to figure out who I was.

"Shit sorry. Saffron um I was just making my way to Deans room" I said squinting in the dark to see him.

"Oh right yeah. I'm Charlie I don't believe we have met" he said offering a hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you" I said returning a stern shake.

It was a bit awkward and I decided to head back to Deans room. He headed off toward the bathroom.

I found Deans room and quietly entered top toeing my way back in. I decided it was probably best for me to leave so I gathered up my bag and clothes as best I could. I took off who I presumed was Deans t-shirt and slipped back into my clothes from the yesterday.

I opened up my phone, and checked my face. Looking horrible I quickly grabbed my foundation compact and did the best I could but to be honest if anything it just looked worse. I groaned shrugging before making sure I had all my stuff. I stood looking over the bed debating on whether or not I should wake up Dean.

I decided it would be rude if I left unnoticed so I gently nudged him awake. He hummed under my touch rolling over squinting to look at me "you're leaving?" He asked as he propped himself up on his elbows.

"Yeah" I said nodding "I had a great time last night though"

"Did you wanna grab breakfast or something?"

"Uh no it's okay I'm just gonna head home and shower and um I've got some errands to run so..." I said trailing off.

"Oh okay. Well. I'll text you later" he said pushing the last of the covers off.

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