Chapter 25

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The day had finally come.

My time was officially here to present to the board on how successful I had been in getting my team up and running and hopefully make my way to Associate with a lovely pay rise too might I add.

Things had been going really well. We had hired 2 extra paralegals who were in their first year of UNI to help with the new expansion and they were fitting in really well. They were both 18 and this was their first office job that they'd ever had. We had had our fair share of hiccups but they took to the swing of things really well and after their first 2 months I was impressed with what they could do considering we were all slightly out of our depths.

I was putting the finishing touches on my presentation making sure I had my facts correct and the data to back it up when Lottie walked into the office.

"Are you ready for today?"

I shook my head looking at her nervously.

She gave me an unimpressed look crossing her arms "Why do you always do this Saff you're going to be fine".

"I know I know" I said smiling and laughing at her "I just want your sympathy"

"Well you're not getting it" She said laughing and taking a seat at her desk. "What time's your presentation?"

"In about 10 minutes" I said checking my watch before packing up my laptop and notes.

"Make us proud babe" She said smiling.

Gosh I was lucky to have her and not only as a colleague but also a really good friend. Our friendship had really strengthened over the last couple of months with everything going on. She was always there for me when I needed it. I wasn't really sure what I would have done if I didn't have her with me every step of the way. I returned her smile and wandered out down the hall towards one of the meeting rooms. I will make you proud Lot I thought to myself.

I set my laptop down and plugged it in to the TV. I straightened out my suit pants and took a couple of deep breathes in and out before arranging the notes on my desk. As I was practicing my breathing, the room stared to fill with executives, my boss following in and making a beeline towards me.

"Ready to go Saf?" He asked squeezing my arm.

"Ready as I will ever be I guess" I said shooting him a nervous glance.

He smiled before taking a stand at the front. I passed around the information sheets I had prepared earlier before returning to my position. My boss made a few comments before taking a seat and allowing me to present.

_ _ _

The presentation had to have been the longest 30 minutes of my life, but I had done it. I was really proud of myself and my boss looked absolutely smitten. I collected my things and thanked the board for listening before heading out of the meeting room leaving them to discuss what we had spoken about with my boss. He had told me to wait outside so that he could let me know how I did.

It felt like forever but eventually he left the room and we wandered down to his office. He opened the door and stretched out his arm ushering me to enter. I wandered in and took a seat at his desk. He closed the door and threw himself down into his chair sighing as if he had been on his feet the whole time.

He swivelled his chair to look at me. My heart was beating so fast I thought I could throw up.

"Well Saffron I would just like to say congratulations on making associate" He said smiling putting his hand out for me to shake.

My eyes went wide as I shook his hand unable to get any words out.

"Are you serious?" I asked still unsure if this was a prank and whether camera's might jump out and let me know I've been pranked.

"I am serious. Congratulations, you've earnt it" He said leaning back in his chair looking proud of himself.

"In fact, the board were so impressed, they would like you to implement the same thing in their London office. They also want you to shadow a couple of the senior associates whilst you're up there to get your knowledge and experience up".

I actually thought I might faint. No words came out of my mouth, just me moving it without making any sounds.

"Great job Saff, you've done well and you worked hard to get here".

Tears welled in my eyes. Theo grabbed a tissue and handed it to me as I sniffled dabbing my eyes so my mascara wouldn't run.

"I can't tell you how thankful I am"

"I know Saffron" He said offering a warm smile before standing up and wandering toward the door.

"You earned it" He said still smiling at me.

I couldn't help myself and walked over to him giving him a big bear hug.

"Sorry" I said awkwardly laughing.

"It's okay" He said laughing "get out of here, go celebrate" He said pushing me out the door.

I thanked him profusely about twenty more times before leaving his office and running to mine to tell Lottie and El.

I practically ripped opened the door and slammed it close behind me hands on my knees panting trying to catch my breath.

"Well how did it go?!" El asked desperately swivelling around in her chair.

I gave her a thumbs up before taking a swig of water from my water bottle "I did it. I made Associate"

Lottie and El squealed in unison rising to their feet.

"I also get to go to London to implement what I've done here and shadow a couple of the Senior Associates".

Their jaws dropped as they embraced me in a giant group hug.

"Celebration drinks" Lottie said clapping her hands together.

"Yes!" El said jumping up and down.

"Sounds good" I laughed as we packed up for the afternoon.

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