Authors Note / Part Two

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If you made it this far into the book, thank you so much for reading!

I'm sure the ending had taken everyone by surprise. I mean, Max coming in and taking his girl? Wild.

I will admit I did write Carlos to be an absolute asshole and apologies to anyone who didn't really like that but I thought it would be best to see a different perspective of the drivers than what is normally portrayed.

And poor Saf, I will admit at times when I was writing to continue the story I just was like, gurl break up with your man already. But of course she had to go through a rough patch to get out on the other side.

After writing the ending I decided that the story just needed a little bit more you know? I couldn't just leave it hanging like that.


I will be writing a second book to go alongside this one.

If you're interested in reading a part two because you wanna know what's going on with Saff, Max and Carlos please save part 2 to your list.

The second book will be written slightly different to how I've written this one and this is purely just based off of reading other books and my experiences from writing in the form I have for this one.

Thanks so much to everyone whose been reading and commenting along the way and hopefully see you all for Part 2 ❤️

Book for Part 2: Sunday Daydreams

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