Chapter 52

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"Ew who invited you" I asked opening the front door to Fin's hungover face.

He was not impressed "just let me in please" he said quietly looking like he was going to do.

"Mum and Dad know you're hungover?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"No. Don't say anything" he said desperately.

"I think your face is going to tell them before I will" I said chuckling opening the door wider.

"Shut up" he said nudging me with his elbow.

"Woah what happened to you?" Harry asked as Fin walked into the kitchen abandoning his bags under the bench.

"Shut up" Harry said squeezing his eyes shut.

"He's hungover" I said wandering over to Fin pinching his sides watching him wince.

"No shit" Harry said chuckling "mum specifically wanted us to not be hungover"

"Yeah why is that?" Finn asked.

"I don't know something about board games and stuff I don't know" Harry said shrugging his shoulders.

Finn rolled his eyes and groaned at the thought of family board games and to be fair he was right. They were fun, don't get me wrong, but eventually it turns into the classic family bickering and arguing, then someone walks away and is hurt for the rest of the day. It's a shambles really.

"Can I just ask how you're still hungover at 3 in the afternoon?" I asked sitting on a bar stool whilst Finn stood in the kitchen looking into the sink as if he was regretting his life.

"It was a big one alright" he said shooing me with his hand "where are mum and dad by the way?"

"Dad went to go pick mum up from a lunch and then they were grabbing groceries" I said spinning on my chair.

Finn nodded before wandering off to the bathroom presumably to go for a shower to reset. I turned to Harry who was watching Finn wander into the bathroom "okay now that Finns gone, how's Carlos?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Not too loud" I said putting a finger to my lips to shush him.

"They still don't know?" Harry said in disbelief.

"Yes and let's keep it that way" I said widening my eyes "but he's good. He's racing today" I said smiling.

"Oh really?"


"What time?"

"Uhhh I think it's on at 11pm. Why's that?"

"We should watch tonight"

"But Harry they are never going to believe that I watch Formula 1"

"Don't worry I'll say I'm into it"

"I don't think it's going to be very believable"

"Well it's not a total lie. I've been watching Drive to Survive lately"

"Hmmm" I said narrowing my eyes

"Mum and dad will be asleep anyway"

"Yeah i guess so. Just Finn we need to worry about" I said on the down low.

"Why do we need to worry about Finn?" He asked raising an eyebrow and running a hand through his hair.

Harry and I exchanged a look.

"Finn this is an intervention" I said turning to Finn with a serious look.

"What" he said dropping the towel in his hand.

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