Chapter 57

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"So how long have you and your husband been together for?" I asked Lainey as we walked down the cobblestone foot path towards one of the local parks.

"4 years now" she said smiling "dating for one, engaged for 2, married for 1 now" she said choosing an optimal seat on the green grass.

"Oh wow" I said darting my eyes back to her "only dating for one year?" I asked trying to gracefully take a seat next to her on the grass.

She nodded smiling "yeah. I guess when you know you know" she said shrugging "what about you?".

I looked at her with my eyes slightly wide. I had never been asked this question since Carlos and I had recently gotten back together. I wasn't really sure what to say. Do I tell her straight up that my boyfriend is a formula one driver? Maybe I don't mention it and see if it comes up in conversation. Or maybe I could just play it cool and just go with names. Maybe she won't even ask for a name. I mean I didn't. I don't know her husbands name. Maybe I don't need to mention the name-

"Hello?" She said waving a hand in front of my face "earth to Saf?" She asked confused.

"Sorry" I said snapping out of my debate with myself "bad habit" I said awkwardly laughing before digging around in the salad Lewis had made "um I recently just got together again with my ex" I said giving an awkward smile.

"That's nice" she said smiling tucking into her sandwich "how long have you guys been together now for?"

"Well we were together for about 6 months and then we sort of broke up and then we only just rekindled the flame so probably like 2 months now?" I said trying to do the math in my head.

"Only ten more months till you're engaged" she said smiling a devilish grin and winking.

I chuckled at the thought though I wouldn't say no if the opportunity presented itself.

"So um what's it like working in the office? I know you mentioned there are like no women in senior roles" I said again playing with my food.

"Yeah it seems to be a common thing here. Especially in the law profession. A lot of women just don't seem to make it into senior positions. We've had a lot of women leave after their maternity leave because they just ended up hating it" she said frowning.

"Well that's shit" I said now annoyed.

"Yeah. It's even worse when the rumour mill gets going" she said rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Every woman in the office has a rumour about her" she said with a deadpanned expression.

"Surely not" I said not wanting to believe her.

"It's true. Everyone thinks I'm sleeping my way to the top with the senior partner of my team. Don't get me wrong Bill is a lovely guy but he's not my type" she said chuckling to herself.

"You have got to be kidding me" I said in disbelief.

She shook her head "nope" she said before taking the last bite of her sandwich.

I sat there shoving the rest of my salad into my face, starving like no other.

"Why do you put up with that crap?" I asked finishing up the last of my leaves.

"I tried going to HR and they told me not to listen to the rumours, I spoke to Bill about it, he was appalled, tried to do something about it but everyone took it as a joke. You gotta pick your battles sometimes" she said looking down at her hands.

"So now what?" I asked.

"Well I'm biding my time, gaining experience. Just waiting until I feel ready to leave. Plus I'm making good money at the moment. I've pretty much just decided to come in, work my hours and go home. I don't work extra unless I absolutely have to" she said pulling a muffin out of her bag.

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