Chapter 68

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"I know this isn't what you want to hear right now" Lottie said pacing up and down my room "but you need to break up with him".

I removed the doona from my face "Lottie I love him" I said sniffling.

"I know you do. Babe I know you do. But you cannot let him treat you the way he did" she said before wandering off to answer the door.

She came back in with a bunch of flowers and a note. She read it before rolling her eyes "ugh" she said disgusted "your loser of a boyfriend sent these along with this note" she said handing it to me before abandoning the flowers on my dressing table.

I crumpled up the note and threw it in the bin.

"Lottie why is it that there are all these red flags and yet I still love that man?" I said bursting into tears.

"I don't know babe" she said sitting beside me on the bed "only you can answer that question" she said sighing.

It had been a rough morning. I was hungover and sad. The worst combination. Carlos was blowing up my phone like no other. Max had called in the morning to see how I was doing. I ended up crying to him about this whole thing. Lewis had also dropped in with coffee and breakfast. He chatted for a bit before having to go to do some PR for the Christmas break.

"What do I do Lottie?" I asked sighing staring out the window.

"You do what you want. I'll support you. I may not be happy depending on your decision but I'll still be there 100% of the way" she said sighing.

After a day of deliberating what I wanted to do and looking at both sides of the arguments in front of me I invited Carlos over. He had bought another bouquet of flowers and an expensive necklace as a sorry present. I told him that he couldn't just buy my love like that. But here I was. The idiot who forgave the man with multiple red flags.

I wasn't quite sure why I still loved him to be honest. Love really does make people go blind. He had put me through horrible situations and yet here I was still in love with this guy. He was toxic but I was eating it up like it was starving. He had me exactly where he wanted me and I was so blind to it.

Lottie was disappointed that I had decided to keep going with things but she too knew that love makes people do stupid dumb things.

Stupid stupid stupid.

Maybe he will change I hoped. He probably wouldn't. But that was enough to reassure myself that this time was going to be different. He would be a different man just like he promised.

Whilst he assured me that he wasn't cheating on me or hadn't been cheating on me I wasn't convinced. I had spent hours just looking at the search engine on my phone trying to push myself to look up anything any rumours that had sprang to mind but I couldn't.

I didn't want to believe that it if it was true.

If I stumbled upon it then sure I would take a read and divulge more but I didn't want to find it myself. I didn't want that right now. I didn't want to believe he was capable of it. I didn't want this world to end.

I stupidly let him stay the night in my apartment. And as I lay next to him, him snoring away peacefully lying there, I couldn't help but stare at the ceiling just wondering.

Why was I doing this?

Love makes people do stupid things.

Dumb things.

Crazy things.

What the hell is wrong with me.

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