Chapter 4

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As we approached the lobby doors, small groups of people started to gather near the SUV. Two larger men dressed in all black walked towards myself and Carlos and started to usher us toward the car. Carlos stopped to take a few photos and speak with some fans whilst I climbed into the SUV. Carlos eventually joined me in the back and apologised for the delay.

"It's okay" I said smiling "you have fans who have waited to see you, its only fair they get to interact with you whilst you're available'.

He smiled at me before letting the driver know our destination.

The drive to the restaurant was pleasant and quiet. Wait a minute. Is it too quiet? Should I be asking questions? Oh god, what if he is bored? Shit, okay just think of some questions, how was your day, what did you get up to?

I turned to look at him "how was your day?"

"It was really good, just some PR and looking over the car for the race. Practice is tomorrow so it was good to finally see what we will be working with".

"That sounds fun, are you excited for the weekend?"

"Yeah it should be good, we are of course hoping for pole but we'll see how we go" He said chuckling.

The car fell silent again and I looked down at my hands playing with the silver rings. I thought he might at least ask about my day, but that's okay.

We arrived at the hotel. Carlos opened his door first and hopped out. He stood to the side extending his hand out for me to grab. Chivalrous. I scooted over to the door and grabbed his hand awkwardly hopping out the car trying not to fall over in the process. He immediately let go and moved his hand to my lower back, this seemed to be his favourite spot to place his hand but I didn't mind that. I mean of course I rather it be exploring other places.

As we walked into the restaurant, an older italian gentlemen made a beeline for Carlos. They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. We exchanged smiles before being led to our table. We headed to a more private area of the restaurant to a small booth lit by candle light. I sat and moved myself on to one side of the booth, Carlos sliding in next to me.

As we sat and looked over the menu he turned to me, "by the way I do want to know about how your presentation went. I was going to ask in the car but I wanted to wait until we were at the restaurant so I could at least hear in detail about it rather than stopping and starting in the car"

I laughed trying to stop his rambling "it's okay its all good".

As I was about to divulge into my day the waiter came over. We ordered drinks, a Cosmopolitan for me, and of course a delicious red for Carlos. When it came time to order Carlos let me do the ordering. I was careful about what I chose and was praying that he was going to like it and it wouldn't turn out like the wine disaster last night.

"So. Your day, how did the big presentation go?" He asked turning his full attention to me.

It made me slightly nervous.

I turned my body toward him and couldn't contain my excitement any longer "it was really good! It was so good! My boss was super happy with the presentation, I have a meeting scheduled with him next week to discuss the team, so I am hoping that that means I could potentially be expanding and running a larger team. This is exactly the outcome I was hoping for, like it could not have gone any better. You should have seen me, I was an absolute nervous nelly before hand but"

"Sorry wait" he chuckled looking at me inquisitively "you were a what?"

"Nervous Nelly" I said looking at him confused.

"What is nervous Nelly?"

"Oh it's just an expression"

"Oh right" the confused expression on his face still pondering in the background "anyway, continue continue".

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