Chapter 6

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"Well, I should be going" I said nervously climbing out of the large bed and commencing the search for my clothes.

Carlos sat up in bed and stared over me with a disappointed look "you don't want to stay the night?"

"I have work in the morning" I said slipping on my pants and scanning the room for my underwear.

"But you could get up early and head back to your room"

I was torn. I wanted to stay but I also didn't want to run the risk of potentially being late to work.

"I can't I'm sorry" I said giving up the search for my underwear.

His face turned from disappointed to annoyed. I wasn't really sure what to do so I grabbed my bag and jacket and slipped on my boots.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No its fine"

"It doesn't sound fine"

"No really, it's okay I'll see you out".

"Oh. Uh okay" I said looking down at my feet.

Carlos removed himself from the bed, the sheets slowly sliding down his torso revealing his abs. He grabbed his boxers and put them on not saying a word to me in the process. He stood next to me holding his arm out toward the door. I stepped in front and walked down the hall opening the door and stepping into the corridor.

I turned around looking up at him, his face still giving me nothing.

"I had a really good time"

"Me too" he said in a flat tone.

"I guess this is goodnight then".

"I guess so".

I stared at him for a few seconds "goodnight Carlos".

"Good night Saffy" He said closing the door.

I stood in front of his door for a minute trying to process what had just happened. We were all over each other but as soon as I refuse to stay the night I get nothing. I swiveled around and headed back down the hallway towards the elevator. Consumed with my own thoughts of confusion I didn't notice someone else coming down the hallway and ran straight into them.

"Oh shit I am so sorry" an english voice said.

"Oh fuck, my apologies, I'm sorry I was just consumed with my own thoughts and I wasn't looking where I was going" I said just blurting out words "ahh oof wow sorry just kind of word vomiting here now"

"It's okay it's okay, really it's okay" they said chuckling "I'm Lewis" he said sticking a hand out.

"Saffy" I said taking his hand and shaking it gently "again I'm really sorry about that".

He laughed and shook his head. "Don't worry about it".

I nervously laughed. "well, I should be off. Nice to meet you. And again, I am really sorry".

"Nice to meet you too Saffy".

I smiled and headed off desperate to get to the elevator before this night could get any worse. I jammed the down button holding back the tears welling in my eyes. God this elevator was taking its fucking time. Only a couple more minutes I kept telling myself. Just a couple minutes and then I can burst into tears when I get to the room. The elevator finally opened and I walked in and I pressed level 10. As I turned around leaning on the back of the hand rail I saw Carlos hurriedly walking toward the elevator.

I stood in disbelief watching the doors slowly close. As I took the elevator down I couldn't fathom what the actual hell was happening. The doors opened and I wandered down the hall to my room. I grabbed my key out of my bag and unlocked the door. I set down my coat and bag on the desk. I took my phone out and checked the time. 1am. Jesus.

I decided I had had enough of this night and opted for a nice hot shower and bed. I had to be up in 5 1/2 hours. I was done with this day, this night. As I showered I couldn't help but let my mind wander. I tried to think about other things but I couldn't shake it. I got into bed, put my phone on charge and set my alarms. As I was about to turn over I decided to check my texts just one last time. I'm not really sure what I was hoping for but it was definitely something.

1 notification. Carlos.

Carlos: I'm sorry about tonight. Let me make it up to you tomorrow.

I decided not to respond. I wasn't really sure if I should apologise. Like what did I do wrong? I don't get it. I turned my phone off and put it on the side table and turned over. My mind was racing, too many things to think about.

Then it dawned on me. What if he got mad because he thought I was using him. Only going out with him and then having sex with him for the status, for the money. Oh my god. It totally makes sense. And no wonder he was angry about it I mean, I would be as well.

Feeling like an absolute pile of shit I debated whether or not to text him my apology or whether to agree to do something tomorrow and apologise in person. Yes. In person was better. It means more.

I picked up my phone and opened my text to Carlos.

Me: I'll meet you downstairs in the lobby tomorrow night. Let me know when you're free - Saffy

Carlos: meet you downstairs at 8pm

Me: sounds good.

I felt better with that exchange having happened. But this time i really needed to go to sleep.

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