Chapter 61

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Safffron's POV

Roscoe and I were sitting in bed. I had just woken up and was feeling super groggy. I rubbed my eyes, yawning before rolling myself out of bed. I went to the bathroom for a wee before brushing my teeth and pulling out some active wear. I quickly changed before calling Roscoe off the bed. We wandered out into the living room towards the front door, grabbing his harness and lead and we set out for our daily hot girl walk.

I grabbed my hat and keys and we set off down the street. As I walked along I mentally made myself a checklist of everything that I needed to get done today. I need to vacuum and mop, pick up the vegan cookies that Lewis likes, take Roscoe for a walk - well I was halfway through completing that one, get the washing done and then make a start on dinner.

We completed our route and got back inside. I fed Roscoe and then headed into the kitchen for some juice.

"We have a lot of work to do today Mr Roscoe" I said leaning on the bench.

Roscoe started at me munching on some biscuits.

"I hope you're ready Mr Roscoe. It's not going to be easy" I said with pursed lips.

He didn't care for what I had to say and returned to eating his biscuits. I smiled finishing my juice and placing the glass in the sink. I started on the kitchen, tidying up, putting appliances away, unpacking and packing the dishwasher. It was hard work. Lord knows I could not have been a bloody housewife that's for sure.

I finished up in the kitchen before moving onto the vacuuming and the mopping. Roscoe was a very good boy and stayed on his bed the entire time I was cleaning. He was very respectful.

After finally getting all the housework done I set out getting ready to go out to grab some treats for Lewis. I did some light makeup and put on a long sleeve black turtle neck, my denim overalls and my all black Vanns. I grabbed my jacket and bag before heading on my way to the vegan bakery near Lewis's.

I pushed my way through the door trying to get out of the cold London air and was hit in the face by the warmth of the heater. I breathed in the warm air mixed with the smell of freshly baked biscuits and wandered over to the counter. I ordered myself a chai latte before picking out some goodies that I thought Lewis might appreciate.

I grabbed my order and made my way back to Lewis's. As I walked back sipping on my chai, I couldn't help but feel a little bit sad that Carlos wouldn't be joining us. Something about having to stay back to do a couple things after the last race. I tried not to let myself dwell on it and instead started to look forward to the afternoon nap I had planned for myself.

Upon coming back I put away the sweets I had bought for Lewis in his pantry. I kicked off my shoes and then headed straight for the couch. I grabbed a bunch of pillows and the doona from my bed and snuggled up on the couch with Roscoe. We put on the Inbetweeners and I let my eyelids get heavy. I passed out almost immediately.

_ _ _

I woke up suddenly blinking and looking around trying to assess where I was. I yawned and looked over at the TV pausing it. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. I shot up on the couch seeing 2 missed calls from Lewis and a bunch of texts from him to let me know he would be home in five minutes.

"Oh god oh god oh god" I said ripping the doona off of me, hurriedly trying to clean up the mess I had made.

After returning the doona to my bed, as if Lewis was working to the minute I heard the key in the door. My ears pricked up and I nonchalantly wandered to the living room as if I wasn't just panic cleaning 5 seconds ago. Roscoe immediately jumped off the couch at the sight of Lewis coming through the door.

"You're home" I said running toward him and giving him a giant hug.

He laughed "good to see you Saf. I missed you" he said pulling back and smiling at me.

He looked down at Roscoe "I missed you too big man" he said picking him up and scratching his belly.

I laughed at the site of them wandering over to the front door to lock it when I caught a glimpse of him. I did a double take and my eyes started to water. I put my hand over my mouth unable to get any words out. Carlos was holding a large bunch of flowers in one hand and his duffle bag in the other.

"Hola mi amore" Carlos said smiling sheepishly holding out the flowers for me to take.

I started to cry. I ran up to Carlos wrapping my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. He squeezed me tight nuzzling his head into my neck.

"I thought you weren't coming back for a while?" I asked pulling back from him.

"I wanted to surprise you" he said chuckling.

"Well you got me" I said laughing wiping my tears and jumping down.

"These are for you" he said showing me the flowers.

I graciously took them before I wandering back inside "how did you keep this from me" I said shooting a look to Lewis.

"It was very hard" he said laughing before sitting on the couch.

Carlos wandered in behind you and dropped his duffle bag off near the dining room table before resting on the edge.

"Lewis" I said wandering toward the pantry "I got you these" I said pulling out the box and heading toward the couch.

"Did you actually?" He asked his eyes now lit up at the thought of goodies.

I nodded my head "from the bakery that you like" I said as he grabbed the box.

"You're amazing" he said smiling up at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything Carlos because I didn't know you'd be here" I said frowning at Carlos.

"It's okay" he said chuckling "seeing you is all I need" he said smiling.

"You guys should go have showers, get changed, dinner will be ready in about an hour or two" I said smiling.

Lewis grabbed a cake and then headed off to his room with his bag, Roscoe following along behind. I smiled as they walked away before turning my attention to him. The one that I had been yearning for for so long. He looked effortlessly gorgeous. How could one man make any-shirt and jeans look so fucking irresistible.

I let my eyes trail up and down his body biting my lower lip in the process. My eyes scanned over his delicate face, so beautiful and tan, his stubble perfectly complimenting his face and those lips. God those lips. I could talk about them all day. His hair was slightly messy from being hidden underneath a cap. I just want to run my hands through it. Letting my fingers get knotted as I pull his head back and leave a trail of kisses all over his neck, biting at the crook of his neck shoulder.

"So when I am going to get a proper cuddle from you huh?" He asked with his arms folded smirking.

I giggle smiling at him before wandering over standing in front of him.

"You can have me any time you want cariño" I said staring up at him with a cheeky look in my eye.

He bent down to whisper into my ear, his hot breath tingling against my skin "you have no idea how much I want to rip those clothes off of you right now" he said before planting a soft kiss to my ear.

The thought alone made me tingly and weak and I cleared my throat trying not to make it seem so obvious that I wanted him so badly.

"Cat got your tongue princessa?" He asked winking.

Oh Lordy. He was doing things to me. It was going to be a very long night.

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