Chapter 7

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I'd had a rough nights sleep. I was just glad it was Friday and after today I didn't need to work until Tuesday again. I told Lottie and El about last night. They agreed that I should apologise tonight and make amends.

I couldn't even focus on my work. I felt so terrible about what happened last night. Such a bizarre chain of events I really didn't know how to take any of it. I decided to take a little mental break and wander to the kitchen to make a chai and take my mind off things.

"Hey Saf you got a sec?" Todd peeked his head into the kitchen.

"Sure what's up?" I asked sighing and turning around.

He walked into the kitchen and leant on the bench. "I was just wondering if you were up to anything tonight?"

"Oh uh. Yeah sorry unfortunately I've got plans"

"Oh. Okay that's alright well. What about lunch are you doing anything for lunch? Andy, Dean and I were thinking of going out. Did you want to come?"

"Sure. You mind if I bring Lottie and El?"

"Um no problem" he said smiling "meet you in reception at 12?"

"Sounds good" I said returning his smile. I swivelled round so I was also leaning on the bench. I held my chai to my chest looking down at the floor.

"Everything okay?" Todd asked turning to me.

"Yeah it's fine" I said smiling "better get back to work". I pushed myself off the bench and headed back toward the meeting room and took a seat.

"We're going to lunch with the boys" I said to Lottie and El. "Todd was being weird again"

"I think he might have a crush on you" Lottie said giggling.

I stared at her in disbelief "god why" I asked

"I don't know aye" El said laughing.

"Shut up" I said smiling. It was the first smile I didn't have to force on my face.

_ _ _

We had a nice lunch with the boys. They were surprisingly nice to us which we thought was weird but hey. People change. It was good not to have my mind on Carlos. Not to be seeing his disappointed face in my mind every 5 seconds.

As we finished lunch we headed back to the office where not too much more work got done. The Melbourne office kindly put on a bit of a celebratory drinks afternoon so all work really stopped at 4pm. I stayed for a couple of drinks before deciding to head off back to the hotel.

I said good by to everyone, Lottie and El opting to stay for a couple more before heading back. I left the building and headed for the hotel. I was beat and desperately wanted a nap. I checked the time, only 5.30pm. I didn't have to meet Carlos until 8pm. I needed to at least be up and ready at 7.15pm. Just enough time for a nap to get me through.

I woke up to my alarm, my hand reaching out to swat at it. I had passed out on the bed fully dressed. I still had my shoes on too. I squinted and looked at the time. 7.15pm. Right on time. I trudged out of bed and headed for the shower. A nice hot shower should be the wake up I needed.

It didn't lol but at least I was clean and looking somewhat presentable. I dressed appropriately and refreshed my makeup. I took one last look in the mirror and decided it was good enough. I grabbed my bag and jacket and headed out the door. I stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby and peered around. My eyes immediately stopped on Carlos.

He was standing near a marble pillar slightly leaning on it. A hand in his pants pocket and the other holding his phone. He was intently looking at something.

Career Driven WomanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora