Chapter 56

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I had gotten up early this morning. It was currently 5am and Lewis and I were currently on a morning run as he says to 'get the blood pumping' before my first day at my new job. He was so excited that he could barely contain himself and it wasn't even him starting the new job. We made our way back to his place and I pretty much threw myself on one of the dining room chairs exhausted, face red as a tomato huffing and puffing. I was fit enough, but certainly not fit enough to keep up with Lewis - a trained athlete.

He so kindly made me breakfast and packed me a lunch for my first day. I inhaled breakfast before heading to the bathroom for a shower. I had pre-picked my outfit the night before and Lewis had given it his stamp of approval. I laid it out on the bed this morning before my run.

I quickly washed the sweat off my body, dried off and moisturised from head to toe. I had an everything shower the night before so I was freshly shaved, hair washed and styled, moustache gone and eyebrows waxed. I felt like a new woman. I quickly did my makeup and refreshed my hair before wandering over to the bed and assessing my outfit. I had chosen a pair of navy plaid suit pants, a tight black button up business shirt, black heels and a large black overcoat with a navy blue scarf. I paired it with some gold earrings, my black and gold corporate girly bag and felt good to go.

I wandered out to the kitchen with my bag packed to see Lewis hanging out on the couch "do I look okay?" I asked outstretching my arms and doing a little twirl.

"You look fantastic Saf" he said putting his phone down and giving me a thumbs up.

"Okay good" I said rummaging through my bag.

"Let's do a pre-work checklist" he said sitting forward on the couch.

"Okay I have my oyster card, AirPods, bus schedule on my phone, map to the bus stop, directions to get to the office from the bus stop, lunch, keys, wallet and airpods" I said mentally checking things off in my head.

"Perfect" he said clapping "are you sure you don't want me to drive you to work and pick you up?"

I chuckled "no Lewis I need to figure it out. I won't always have you to drop and pick me up"

"Fine fine" he said laughing "but don't forget we have dinner tonight at 7.30pm to celebrate your first day" he said getting up from the couch.

I nodded and he gave me a hug as I wandered out the door "good luck" he yelled waving good bye.

I smiled and waved at him before setting out on an adventure to find the bus stop to get to work. Thankfully it wasn't actually that far, only about a 8 minute walk which is pretty good. The weather however was not on my side, it was rainy and cold and I was not equipped for this. I was an Aus gal who was used to semi cold winters and bloody hot summers. Right now in Brisbane it would be about 35 degrees, a fairly average temp for summer but right now a lovely warm 10 degrees. Great.

I took the bus into the London CBD almost missing my stop but thankfully not and headed on my way to the office. After a brisk and cold ten minute walk I was finally at the office. I looked at the giant board in front of the elevator to definitely confirm even though I was 100% sure and had been here before that work was definitely on the correct level before heading into the elevator.

I eventually arrived and wandered over to reception. I didn't recognise the girl that was there so I introduced myself "hi I'm Saffron" I said smiling "it's my first official day here".

"Lovely to meet you, I'm Rebecca" she said smiling "I'll let Dion know you're here. He's one of our senior partners".

I nodded before taking a seat on the couch. I was about to pull out my phone when a man approached Rebecca, looked at me, smiled and thanked her. He wandered over and extended his hand "saffron?" He asked.

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