Chapter 50

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Saying goodbye to Carlos was one of the hardest things I had to do. But, it wouldn't be for long this time. Whilst we were away, Carlos and I had big chats about my career and what I wanted to do with my life. I had made the executive decision that I was going to move to London. This would be a big career move with me and it would be good to be closer to Carlos.

I just had one person I needed to talk to first.

"Hey Saffy" Harry said warmly down the line "how are you?"

"I'm good I'm good. How are you?" I asked.

"Oh you know, same old same old"

"How's Holly?"

"Yeah she's good. She just got promoted at work so we went out to dinner to celebrate"

"Very nice"

"What's up?"

"I think I'm going to move to London for a year" I said to Harry blurting it out as fast as I could "for work"

"Wow" he said stunned.

He was silent for a moment.

"What do you mean you think?" He asked.

"I'm worried that I'm going to hate it and that I'll be home sick and that I can't do it or worse I do it and I have to come back after a month and-"

"Saf" Harry said cutting me off "take a breath".

I sharply inhaled before letting out all the air in my lungs.

"You can do this" he said comfortingly "you're going to kill it. I know you. You can do this. You're going to make us all proud. Trust me" he said.

I calmed down. He was right. I was going to be okay. I could do this. I could move to the other side of the world completely isolated without friends and do my own thing. Piece of cake. Right?

I started to tear up "what if I'm no good".

"You're going to be fine" he said "stop crying you loser".

I chuckled.

"No Saf tell me. What's the other reason you're going to London?" He asked pointedly.

"Huh?" I said taken a back.

"I know you Saf. Something else is eating you"

I stayed silent.

"This wouldn't happen to be because of a certain Mr Sainz?"

"Shut up how do you know"

"You're not very good at hiding it" he chuckled "so you're moving for him?"

"We'll sort of"

"That's not like you. You never bend over backwards for a man. You make that very clear" Harry said.

"Well" I said drawing it out "he's different".

"I hope so Saf. You deserve a good one" Harry said and I could feel the smile on his face through the phone.

"Thanks Harry and by the way don't tell anyone about Carlos. We aren't exactly exclusive okay?"

"I'm honoured I'm the first to know" he said laughing.

"I'll tell mum and dad and Finn later. I also haven't told them about London so keep quiet about that too"

"Roger that" Harry said.

We chatted for a while longer and eventually to Holly after Harry picked her up from her Yoga class. I congratulated her on the promotion and she on the move to London.

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