Chapter 45

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It had been 2 weeks since I spoke to Ethan and it had been 2 weeks since he last contacted me. I think what I said to him had finally kicked in and he appreciated that I didn't want him to be a part of my life. In some way I was actually thankful that he could see that.

As I stared at my computer screen, I couldn't help occasionally replay the conversation we had down at the bar in my head. There was just something about seeing his face drop that made me? Happy? Happy to have the upper hand? I'm not too sure what it was exactly but whatever it was it healed a piece inside of me.

But I had no time to waste today and I certainly couldn't afford to be daydreaming about my ex boyfriend and a conversation that we had two weeks ago. Today was a special day. My last day of work before I was going on holiday to the Sunshine Coast. I was so excited I couldn't contain myself. Carlos was flying in tonight and we were going to have a beautiful week away together.

I eagerly watched the clock. Tick. Tick. Tick. It was currently 3pm and I was anxiously waiting for it to turn to five so I could be out the door in a heart beat. Carlos's plane was supposed to land at 6.30 which gave me exactly 1.5hrs to quickly go home, grab my car, get to the airport and find the terminal and gate in which Carlos and his security guard would be landing.

I tried my best to keep my head down, after all I had a lot of work that I needed to get through and I needed to make sure that everything would be sorted for next week so I didn't need to worry about anything whilst I was on holiday. I was also not going to have the best reception for about 3 of those days so I needed to ensure that everything and everyone was prepared.

I had one of the paralegals run through any matters that were outstanding or urgent and get them to provide an itemised list in order of urgency of what was left. I had already stayed back late every night this week to make sure that next week would be fine so todays list shouldn't be that much of a concern.

As I hurriedly worked away on my list, I scanned over what was left, delegated a few tasks, set the last reminders and then packed my bag. As soon as the clock ticked over to 5 I was going to be out the door. As I slowly started to pack things away I was interrupted by a knock on the door

"Hey Saf do you have a minute?" It was my boss and as always perfect timing when I need to be somewhere else.

"Uh sure but I need to leave in 5" I said checking my watch.

"This should only take a minute" he said "come to my office"

I nodded my head, got up from my seat and followed him down the hall. He opened the door and wandered in and I followed suite closing the door behind me.

"Grab a seat Saf" he said extending his arm out towards the 2 leather seats in front of his desk.

I obliged and sat down crossing one leg over the other revealing my white socks over my black leather boots.

"So Saf, I just wanted to let you know that we got some really good feedback from the team in London. Their team they loved having you over there and they said they learnt a lot from your hands on experience in the business" he smiled.

"Wow that's great to hear" I said smiling pleased with myself.

"Now tell me Saf, is this always what you've wanted to do with your life?" He asked leaning back in his chair arms crossed.

"Pardon?" I chuckled startled by his question.

"Being a solicitor, in Brisbane, day in day out no change"

"Uh I guess so" I said stammering over my words "I'm not sure to be honest I've never thought about it" I shrugged.

"Well if you are wanting to think about it, there's an exchange program happening with the London office. They're looking for an experienced legal personnel to join their team for a year or two. Now obviously you can't practice as a solicitor over there because you don't have the required certificates but if you were to ask the company could always pay for it to happen" he said with a serious look on his face.

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