Chapter 62

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"Alrighty boys, I hope you're hungry" I said pulling the bake dish out of the oven and bringing it over to the dining table. I sat the dish down on a trivet before dishing out some salads and veg.

"Oooo what have you made here Saf" Lewis said smiling down and looking at the food in front of him.

"I've made vegan butternut squash shells with a radicchio salad, a rocket and pear salad and some pan friend asparagus and broccolini" I said standing throwing the tea towel over my shoulder, smirk over my face crossing my arms. I was pretty impressed myself.

"So there's no meat?" Carlos asked raising an eyebrow and scanning the food.

"Nope" I said popping the p "this is a vegan house Carlos" I said frowning shaking my head.

"Well it smells delicious" he said smiling.

Don't worry Carlos, I feel you. I'm desperate for HSP but I'm too polite to bring meat into Lewis's home. Plus that would be very rude. I sat down and joined the boys at the table and we dug in. For someone who wasn't a vegan connoisseur I was actually very impressed with what I managed to be able to cook.

"So Saff" Lewis said taking a bit of his food "what's the big news you have to tell us?" He asked.

"Oh yes" I said dropping my knife and fork clapping. I quickly got up from the table and pulled a few papers out of my bag before heading back "two weeks from now, you are looking at London's newest renter" I said placing the pictures of the apartment in front of Carlos and Lewis.

"Wow amore that's fantastic" Carlos said smiling taking one of the pages.

"You're joking" Lewis said smiling. His smile then quickly turned to a frown as he said "but that means you're not going to live with me anymore".

"I know Lewis. But I'll only be two streets away from you" I said smiling showing him the address on my phone "plus I won't be gone. We can still hang out whenever you're here".

"I know I know" he said laughing "I am so happy for you" he said smiling "how did you find this place?"

"Well my friend Lainey from work helped me out. She came to a couple of inspection with me. The landlord is her Aunt who recently moved out and was looking for a tenant" I said sitting back in my chair and hoeing into my meal.

"Go Lainey" Carlos said smiling.

"Yes, she's been so good to me. I'm glad I met her" I said before going into detail to the boys about the apartment.

Eventually we finished dinner the boys helped me clean up and pack away the kitchen. Lewis was pretty tired so he ended up going to bed early. Carlos and I retired to my bedroom. We wandered in and Carlos immediately jumped onto the bed getting comfortable. I headed into the bathroom to get changed.

I had just bought a red lacy set of lingerie especially for Carlos. I quickly ripped off the tags and slipped on the set. I then quickly put on an oversized t-shirt, brushed my teeth and then headed to bed. I turned on the lmao and then turned off the overhead light before tucking myself into the bed. I leant up against the headrest and turned the TV on just letting it play in the background.

I sat there staring at the TV occasionally glancing over to Carlos who was watching the TV. As he watched, his hand slowly creeped over to my thing resting gently squeezing it occasionally. I swallowed hard blinking a lot within the span of 30 seconds. Carlos smirked still not moving his eyes away from the TV. As we sat there, his hand rose higher and higher up my thigh until he reached my underwear where he let his fingers brush past.

I inhaled sharply which made Carlos let out a small laugh through his nose "something the matter princessa?" He asked in a low husky voice still keeping his gaze fixated on the TV.

"Um" I said stuttering "no no everything is fine" I said awkwardly laughing.

"Okay" he said continuing what he was doing.

His hand then left my underwear and moved back to my thigh stroking up and down. His fingers gently caressing my thigh. This continued on until he got bored and moved his hand back to my underwear. This time he let his fingers linger near my clit. My breathing started to quicken and he could see the rising and falling of my chest in the corner of his eye.

"You okay princessa?" He asked but this time he turned his head to look at me. He stared straight at me with a vacant expression.

I stared at him before slowly shaking my head.

"Are you sure?" He asked letting his fingers rub circles on my clit.

My breathing became shaky and I again slowly shook my head.

"Well I must not be doing a very good job then" he said pushing the sheets off of both of us.

My eyes widened as he pushed himself down the bed before swivelling around to look at me. He grabbed both of my calves and pulled me down causing my shirt to ride up revealing the red lace I was wearing.

Carlos's eyes widened "my my" he said smirking letting his eyes linger "what do we have here?" He asked pulling the top further up my chest before letting his hands slide down, grazing my breast before resting on my stomach "is this for me princessa?" He asked peeling his eyes away from my body.

I nodded but this time with a cheeky grin biting my lower lip.

"That was so nice of you" he said chuckling to himself.

He quickly removed my top exposing the rest of my body and threw it to the side. He grabbed the strap of my bra with his pointer finger and looped it around tugging at it.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked getting a glimpse of his dark eyes.

"Oh you have no idea" he said before making his way down my body toward my underwear pulling them to the side "I can't wait to enjoy watching you writhe with pleasure princessa".

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