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It was time to move on now. Carlos and I had been broken up for a month now. There wasn't a single day that had gone by where I didn't think about him. He also made it increasingly hard my constantly sending flowers, messages and annoying my friends with messages for me.

What a fool I have been.

An absolute dickhead to say the least.

I should have seen the signs. After all they were all there flashing in big bright red letters saying red flag red flag. And I ignored them as if I hadn't seen them.

I decided to let Carlos own up to everyone and tell them what he had done. As you can imagine no one took it well. Lewis was the most pissed off I've ever seen him. Charles was relieved he finally said something as was Max. Both of them apologised refused for not saying anything. I told them I would have done the same for a friend.

Walking away from Carlos has to be one of the most difficult things I have done. It's funny how blind love can make you. So much so that you don't even recognise their shitty behaviour anymore. You just kind of dismiss it and tell yourself that they'll do better or they'll try harder next time or they won't react like that again.

But they don't.

And they won't.

Because you enable it.

You let them get away with it.

But now I'm sitting here in my flat staring out the window imagining what my life could have been if I had just accepted the ring and ignore the cheating and the articles. Could I have had a happier life? After all I still loved him. I still love him.

As I stared out the window entrenched in my thoughts the buzzing of my apartment doorbell frightened me into reality. I rolled my eyes groaning. Probably another delivery driver. I sighed and wandered over to the intercom.

"You can leave it there I'll come and get it" I said before turning to walk away.

"Leave what?" A familiar voice asked.

My eyes widened and I rushed back to the intercom.

"Harry?!" I practically screamed.

He laughed and I immediately buzzed him in. He barely had a chance to knock when I reefed the door open and immediately pulled him into a hug. In doing so I burst into tears. I sobbed into his chest like a child.

"Gross you're going to ruin my shirt" he said screwing his face up smiling.

"Why are you here?" I asked staring up at him.

"I heard you've had a pretty rough time" he said taking a seat on the couch.

"Who told you?"

"Lottie rang the day you broke up with Carlos. She said I needed to be on the next flight out to London. I managed to clear it with work but I couldn't actually take any time off until now. So here I am. Just slightly delayed" he said laughing.

My lip started to quiver and tears flowing again.

"Please" he said putting his hands up "no more crying".

I laughed wiping away my tears.

"So this is your flat?" He asked standing up and wandering around.

I nodded my head just happy that he was here with me.

"This is cool. A little dirty but it's cool" he said wandering around picking up stuff that I hadn't been bothered to do.

"Tell you what" he said looking around "let's get this place cleaned up, do your laundry, get you cleaned up and then head out for some fresh air aye?" He asked.

"Sounds good" I said smiling.

He helped me clean my depression messes that I had been leaving everywhere. He put on a load of laundry and then unpacked his bags while I took a shower and got clean. For the first time since we had broke up, I was taking a shower that didn't feel like a chore. It didn't feel like I had to do it because I needed to be hygienic for work. It was like almost freeing in a way. Refreshing almost.

I changed into some nicer clothes and we headed out down the road into town. We grabbed a table at one of the local cafés and sat down for coffee and brunch. Harry was chatting away and I was smiling happy to see him. He was telling me all the family gossip. Mum upset that they hadn't seen me since Christmas even though that was only like 3 weeks ago. Finn getting up to no good but finding a steady job which is good and Harry just being Harry.

"Saff" Lewis said stopping and coming toward our table.

"Lewis" I said hugging him tight.

"Good to see you out and about" he said smiling squeezing my arm.

"It's good to be out and about" I said nodding.

He smiled and then glanced over to Harry.

"Oh sorry where are my manners!" I said laughing "this is my brother Harry" I said introducing him and Lewis.

"Oh so you're Harry" he said smiling "I've heard a lot about you. Glad you could get her to come out of that flat" he said.

"Me too" he said smiling.

"Charles is around here somewhere" he said looking behind him. He spotted him and waved him over.

"Charlie" I said hugging him close.

"Saff so good to see you" he said smiling from ear to ear "so so so good to see you".

"This is my brother Harry" I said smiling.

They shook hands and exchanged greetings.

We chatted for a bit before they had to rush off. I sat back down and finished the rest of my coffee.

I was starting to feel normal again.

Sort of.

It had only been a month but I could feel a kind of change coming. Something good was coming. I could feel it.

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